Total Found (GO’s): 2304.
GO Number
G.O. (D) No. 81.
Municipal Administration & Water Supply (MA.3) Department - Collectors’ and Police Officers’ Conference, 2013 - Announcement made by Hon’ble Chief Minister during Collectors’ Conference – Basic amenities and infrastructure development works in Kumbakonam Municipality for Mahamaham at a cost of Rs. 36.46 crore - Administrative Sanction - Orders – Issued.
G.O.(sD) No.12
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA3) Department - Mahamaham Festival, 2016 at Kumabakonam - Constitution of Co-Ordination Committee at District Level - To provide basic amenities and infrastructure facilities – Monitoring and Supervising works relating to the Mahamaham Festival, 2016 at Kumbakonam Town- Orders – Issued.
G.O. (D) No.33
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.II) Department - Town Panchayats Department - NABARD - RIDF XX for the year 2014-15 - Improvement of 260 Rural Roads and Construction of 28 Bridges at an estimated cost of Rs.86.56 Crore - Administrative Sanction - Orders-issued.
G.No. (D) No.24
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.II) Department - NABARD (RIDF XIX) for the year 2013-14 – Town Panchayats Administration – Release of Rs.15.40 Crore for construction of Bridges and Modern Slaughter Houses in Town Panchayats under loan assistance of NABARD (RIDF XIX) for the year 2013 - 2014 - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms.) No.4
Housing and Urban Development (HCS-1) Department - Loans and Advances - Ways and Means Advance of Rs.40.00 Crores to Tamil Nadu Cooperative Housing Federation Limited, Chennai to meet the 30.09.2014 liabilities in respect of dues to various Commercial Banks/Financial institutions - Sanction of - Orders - Issued.
G.O. (Ms). No.9
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC.I) Department - Chennai Rivers Restoration Trust (CRRT) – Implementation of 60 short term sub-projects at an estimated cost of Rs.604.77 crores under Integrated Cooum River eco Restoration Project - Administrative Sanction – Accorded - Orders issued.
G.O.(D) No.13
Municipal Administration And Water Supply (MA2) Department - Integrated Urban Development Mission (IUDM) - Projects approved by the Project Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (11th meeting) for the year 2014-15 - Administrative Sanction Accorded - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms) No.3
Housing and Urban Development (HCS.2) Department - Housing - Chennai Metropolitan Co-operative Housing Society - Notification under clause (iii) of sub-section 7 of section 33 of Tamil Nadu Co-operative Societies Act, 1983 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1983) for appointment of the Managing Director in the cadre of Deputy Registrar - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms) No.6
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Litter free project in Tambaram Municipality at a cost of Rs.876.68 lakh - Release of Rs.789.01 lakh as 90% grant to the Tambaram Municipality under Solid Waste Management Fund for the year 2013-2014 – Orders – Issued.
G.O.(D). No.4
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS.II) Department - Water Supply -NRDWP - Earmarked 5% Bacteriological Contamination ie., JE?AES fund for Water Quality - 1st installment for National Rural Drinking Water Programme under Earmarked 5% Bacteriological Contamination ie., JE/AES fund for Water Quality to Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board for the year 2014-15.
G.O.(Ms.) No.3
Health and Family Welfare (EAPII-1) Department - National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) - Constitution of State/District Urban Health Mission, Chennai Corporation and Nine other Corporations under Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act, 1975 - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms) No.1
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA.2) Department - Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project (TNSUDP) - Sanction of 9 new projects and 4 spill over projects from TNIUDP-III under TNSUDP at a cost of Rs.2212.89 crores - Administrative sanction - Order Issued.
G.O. (D) No.25
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC-II) Department - Electrical Undertaking – Electrical undertaking handed over to Tamil Nadu Electricity Board– Finalising the compensation amount in respect of Madurai, Coimbatore City Municipal Corporations and Thanjavur, Karur, Pollachi Municipalities - Committee formed – Extension of tenure – Orders – Issued.
G.O.(D) No.531
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA.3) Department - UGSS - Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure Financing in Tamil Nadu Phase-II Part-I (SMIF-TN-1) - Administrative Sanction for providing Underground Sewerage Schemes to Karaikudi and Pollachi Municipalities - Administrative Sanction for Rs.112.53 crore and Rs.109.62 crore - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(D). No.161
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (WS1) DEPARTMENT - Administrative Sanction for execution of Water Supply Improvement Scheme in Poonamallee Municipality at an estimated cost of Rs.2387.35 lakh – Accorded - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(D). No.162
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (WS1) DEPARTMENT - Administrative Sanction for execution of Water Supply Improvement Scheme in Anakaputhur Municipality at an estimated cost of Rs.1487.63 lakh – Accorded - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(D). No. 514
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS3) Department - Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns Scheme – Additional allocation during Transition period under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission – Kodaikanal Municipality – Implementation of Water Supply Improvement Scheme – Administrative sanction for Rs.4631.00 lakh – Accorded - Orders Issued.
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண்.157
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (தேர்தல்) துறை - மாநகராட்சிகள் - மேயர்களை அழைக்கும் நடைமுறை குறித்து - ஆணைகள் வெளியிடப்படுகின்றன.
G.O.(D). No. 500
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC-II) Department - Tirunelveli Municipal Corporation – Solid Waste Management– Scientific Closures in the existing dumping site at Ramayanpatti - Sanction of a grant of Rs.652.80 lakhs as Government share under Solid Waste Management Fund – Orders – Issued.
G.O.(Ms) No.156
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC-II) Department - Tirunelveli Corporation – Solid Waste Management – Administrative Approval for Scientific closure in existing dumping site at Ramayanpatti at a cost of Rs.816.00 lakh – Accorded – Orders – Issued.
G.O.(MS)No. 155
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS.4) Department - Water Supply – Combined Water Supply Scheme to 706 habitations in Arimalam, Aranthangi, Avudayarkoil and Manamelkudi Unions in Pudukkottai District with bulk provision to Aranthangi Municipality and 79 wayside habitations in Pudukkottai District at a cost of Rs. 4945.00 lakh – Revised Administrative Sanction- Orders issued.
G.O.(MS)No. 150
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS.4) Department - WATER SUPPLY - Cuddalore District – Combined Water Supply Scheme to 3 Town panchayats, 267 rural habitations in Cuddalore District, Villupuram Municipality added area, 2 Town Panchayats and 569 Rural Habitations in Villupuram District with River Kollidam at Sarukkai as source – At a cost of Rs. 621.00 crore to install and Rs.7.28 crore to maintain annually – Cleared by the Empowered Committee - Administrative Sanction - Orders issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS4) Department - Water Supply- Karur District - Providing Combined Water Supply Scheme to 253 Rural Habitations in Kulithalai and Thogamalai Unions in Karur District with River Cauvery as Source at a cost of Rs.52.75 Crore (with HDPE pipe up to 200mm diameter) to install and Rs. 164.00 Lakh to maintain annually– Cleared by the Empowered Committee - Administrative Sanction – Orders – Issued.
G.O.(Ms)No. 146
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS4) Department - Water Supply- Kanyakumari District – Providing Combined Water Supply Scheme to Eraniel Town Panchayat and 319 Rural Habitations and Improvements to Padmanabapuram Combined Water Supply Scheme and Kattathurai Combined Water Supply Scheme in Kanyakumari Dustrict by providing a Common Treatment Plant, at a cost of Rs. 169.00 crore to install and Rs.6.86 Crore to maintain annually – Recommended by the Empowered Committee - Administrative Sanction - Orders issued.
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண்.119
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (நநி. ) துறை - அம்மா மக்கள் சேவை மையம் - மாநகராட்சிகளில் உள்ள மண்டல அலுவலகங்களிலும், நகராட்சிகளிலும், பேரூராட்சிகளிலும், பிறப்பு இறப்பு சான்றிதழ், வர்த்தக உரிமம் உள்ளிட்ட அனைத்து விண்ணப்பங்களின் மீதும் உடனடி நடவடிக்கை மேற்கொள்ள ஒவ்வொரு வாரமும் புதன் கிழமையன்று மக்களுக்கு அதிக சேவையை வழங்குவதற்கு பின்பற்றத் தக்க வழிமுறைகள் - வெளியிடப்படுகிறது.
G.O.(Ms). No.144
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS.II) Department - Combined Water Supply Scheme - Re-allot the quantity of 8.97MLD of water allotted for industrial component under Melur Combined Water Supply Scheme to Madurai Corporation to meet the Drinking Water requirements and take up the work at a cost of Rs.4393.11 lakh by posing the same under integrated Urban Development Mission Fund - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms) No.141
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.II) Department - Town Panchayats Department - Extension of the Provisions of the Tamilnadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 to Town Panchayats – Notification – Issued.
G.O.(Ms.) No.142
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP-II) Department - Town Panchayats Department - Norms for classification of Town Panchayats - Prescribed - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(D). No.387
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS3) Department - Thanjavur District-Providing Combined Water Supply Scheme to 1153 rural habitations in 9 Unions and to Peravurani, Adhiramapattinam and Perumagalur Town Panchayats in Thanjavur District with river Kollidam as source at an estimated cost of Rs.495.70 Crore –Administrative Sanction accorded -Implementation of the project with NABARD Loan assistance under RIDF XX for the year 2014-15 – Orders issued.
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண்.118
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (மாந.2) துறை - அம்மா உணவகங்கள் - தமிழகத்திலுள்ள மாநகராட்சிகள் மற்றும் நகராட்சிகளில் 360 இடங்களில் அம்மா உணவகங்கள் திறப்பதற்கு அனுமதி - ஆணை - வெளியிடப்படுகிறது.
G.O.(Ms) No.112
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS1) Department - PART-II Scheme for 2014-2015 – Feasibility study to utilize the defunct quarry as Rain Water Harvesting-Cum-Water Supply Pond in Tamil Nadu at a cost of Rs.48.20 lakh - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms) No. 106
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA.3) Department - Septage Management - Operative Guidelines for Septage Management for Urban and Rural Local Bodies in Tamil Nadu - Approved - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(D). No.314
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC-II) Department - Madurai Municipal Corporation – Construction of high level bridge at Simmakkal Road to Goripalayam and ESI hospital (Aruldasapuram) to Arapalayam at a cost of Rs.30.40 Crore – Release of Rs.12.16 Crore to Madurai Municipal Corporation as phase-I under Infrastructure and Amenities Fund – Orders – Issued.
G.O(MS) No. 105
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS1) Department - Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board - Constitution of High Level Committee for getting clearance from Line Departments to implement Combined Water Supply Schemes and under Ground Sewerage Scheme on time - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms) No.103
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.I) Department - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Municipal Commissioners Subordinate Services - Post of Municipal Commissioner Grade-II - Fixation of inter-se-seniority of the incumbents recruited through various methods - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(MS)No. 98
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS4) Department - Water Supply – Theni District- Providing Combined Water Supply Scheme to Vadugapatti Town Panchayat and 57 Rural Habitations of Periyakulam Union in Theni District at a cost of Rs. 20.85 crore to install and Rs.56.00 Lakh to maintain annually – Cleared by the Empowered Committee - Administrative Sanction - Orders issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS4) Department - WATER SUPPLY– Erode District – Combined Water Supply Improvement Scheme to 88 habitations in Karapadi and 5 other Village Panchayats, in Bhavanisagar and Nambiyur Union in Erode District with river Bhavani as source at a cost of Rs. 11.72 crore to install and Rs. 29.10 lakh to maintain annually – Approved by the Empowered Committee - Administrative Sanction - Orders issued.
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண். 96
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (மாந.1) துறை - கோயமுத்தூர் மாநகராட்சி - நகரமைப்பு - கோயமுத்தூர் மாநகராட்சிக்கு சொந்தமான வெள்ளலூர் பகுதியில் 20 ஏக்கர் நிலத்தை, JnNURM (BSUP) திட்டத்தில் கீழ் அடுக்குமாடி குடியிருப்புகள் கட்டுவதற்கு தமிழ்நாடு குடிசை மற்றும் வாரியத்திற்கு வழங்க - நகராட்சி நிர்வாக ஆணையருக்கு - அனுமதி அளித்து ஆணை - வெளியிடப்படுகிறது.
G.O. (Ms). No.94
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA3) Department - Arakkonam – Jolarpettai Section - Construction of light-weight road over-bridge at km 212/15-17 at Jolarpettai yard for movement of light vehicles for Jolarpettai Municipality at a cost of Rs.10.50 crore – Requested under Infrastructure and Amenities Fund – Sanctioning of Rs. 10.50 crore - Orders – Issued.
G.O.(Ms) No.91
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission - Under National Mission Mode Project - Implementation of State Level Solution for e-Governance in all Urban Local Bodies, with Pilot implementation in Coimbatore Corporation - Administrative sanction - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.1) Department - Permitting Officials of Urban Local Bodies undergoing Post Graduate Diploma In Solid Waste Management (PGDSWM) course in Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies, Coimbatore to undergo Foreign Exposure Visit to Malaysia and Singapore from 11.08.2014 to 20.08.2014 - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms.) No. 86
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC.6) Department - Award - Honble Chief Ministers Award to the best performing Municipal Corporation / Municipality to be presented on the Independence Day of every year - Amendment - orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms) No.85
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC.I) Department - Chennai Rivers Restoration Trust (CRT) - Restructure and Strengthening of Chennai Rivers Restoration Trust - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms.) No.83
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - National Urban Livelihoods Mission - State Project Sanctioning Committee for Consideration and Approval of Proposals Submitted by Urban Local Bodies / State Urban Livelihoods Mission - Support to Urban Street Vendors (SUSV) Under National Urban Livelihoods Mission - Constituted - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms) No.80
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC.I) Department - Rules - Tamil Nadu Municipalities Television Cables Installation Regulation Rules, 2000 - Amendment - Issued.
G.O(MS) No.74
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC-II) Department - Salem City Municipal Corporation - Dedicated Water Supply Scheme–Release of Rs.37.45 Crore Under State Infrastructure and Amenities Fund – Amendment- Orders – issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC-II) Department - Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation – Improvement works for approach roads to the proposed High level bridge at Sundakamuthur Road across Noyyal River and the improvements to the Ring Road at Kovaipudur – Sanction of Rs.15.00 crores from State Infrastructure and Amenities Fund – Amendment – Orders – issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA3) Department - Under Ground Sewerage Scheme - Delegation of Powers to the Commissioner of Municipal Administration to Decide on the Sale of Secondary Treated Effluent Water (STEW) to the Needy Industries or Buyers on Case to Case Basis - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and water supply (MC-II) Department - Madurai Municipal Corporation - Construction of high level bridge at Simmakkal road to Goripalayam and ESI hospital (Aruldasapuram) to Arapalayam - Sanction of Rs.30.40 crore to Madurai Municipal Corporation under Infrastructure and Amenities fund – Orders – Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission - Urban Infrastructure Governance Scheme - Release a sum of Rs.5392.64 lakh towards 3rd and 4th Installments of Government of India and Government of Tamil Nadu Share for the Projects of (i) Storm Water Drains in the Central Basin of Chennai City and (ii) Providing Sewerage Facilities for Ambattur - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission - Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT) Scheme - Release an amount of Rs.2700.55 lakh towards 2nd Installment of Government of India Share and Government of Tamil Nadu Matching Share for Under Ground Sewerage Scheme to Udumalpet Municipality and Water Supply Project to Kayalpattinam Municipality - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(D) No.180
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Integrated Urban Development Mission (IUDM) – Projects approved by the Project Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (10th meeting) for the year 2013-14 – Administrative Sanction accorded – Orders – Issued.
G.O.(D). No.179
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (MA2) DEPARTMENT - Integrated Urban Development Mission (IUDM) – Projects approved by the Project Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (9th Meeting) for the year 2013-14 – Administrative Sanction accorded – Orders - Issued.
G.O.(MS) No.54
Municipal Administration and water supply (MC-II) Department - Madurai Municipal Corporation - Water Supply Improvement Works at Manaloor, at an estimated cost of Rs.1043.00 lakhs with a grant of Rs 600.00 lakhs under Infrastructure Gap Filling Fund and Rs.443.00 lakhs from Corporation Fund - Administrative Sanction– Accorded– Orders–Issued.
G.O.(Ms) No.55
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Water Supply Improvement Scheme to Dindigul Corporation, Mettupalayam and Udumalaipet Municipalities at a cost of Rs.97.53 crore – Administrative Sanction - Orders -Issued.
G.O.(MS) No.56
Municipal Administration and water supply [MA.V(I)] Department - Municipal Administration - Virudhunagar Municipality - Centenary Celebration - Allocation funds - Administrative sanction for Rs.25.00 crore - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(MS) No.57
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS4) Department - WATER SUPPLY - Salem District – Combined Water Supply Scheme to 698 Rural habitations in Nangavalli and Mecheri Unions, with bulk provision for 6 Town Panchayats, in Salem District with River Cauvery as source at a cost of Rs.158.64 crore to install and Rs.6.90 crore to maintain annually – Approved by the Empowered Committee - Administrative Sanction - Orders issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission - Basic Services of Urban Poor (BSUP) - Release of Rs. 5004.34 lakh of Central and State Share (GoI Share Rs.2512.89 lakh + Matching State Share Rs.2491.45 lakh) towards 2nd Installment to Coimbatore Phase II for (TNSCB) Construction of 9600 Tenements and 4th Installment to Alandur Municipality under Basic Services of Urban Poor Scheme of Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme Scheme - Release for an amount of Rs.172.46 lakh of Government of India Share and Rs.136.63 lakh of Government of Tamil Nadu Share Totaling Rs.309.09 lakh as Final Instalment to Kumbakonam Municipality and Remaining Share to Kovilpatti Municipality - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(MS) No.47
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS4) Department - Water Supply - Combined Water Supply Scheme to 146 Rural habitations in Manikandam Union Trichy District and 5 habitations in Viralimali Union of Pudukottai District with bulk provision to 22 habitations in Anthanallu Union, Power Grid Corporation of India and TNEB Quarters at Anthanallur in Trichy District at a cost of Rs.1634.53 lakh - Revised Administrative Sanction - orders issued.
G.O.(MS) No.48
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS4) Department - Water Supply - Coimbatore District - Augmentation of Water Supply to 185 habitations in 9 Village Panchayats of Karamadai Union in Coimbatore District with River Bhavani as source at a cost of Rs.42.94 crore to install and Rs.77.00 lakh to maintain annually - Approved by the Empowered Committee - Administrative Sanction - Orders issued.
G.O.(D).No. 162
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission - Basic Service to Urban Poor (BSUP) - Release an amount of Rs.16614.20 lakh as Government of India towards 3rd and 4th Instalment to Six Urban Local Bodies - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(D).No. 164
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission - Urban Infrastructure Governance Scheme - Release a sum of Rs.15095.82 lakh towards 3rd and 4th Instalments of Government of India and Government of Tamil Nadu Share for Six Projects - Orders - Issued.
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (WS3) DEPARTMENT - Pudukottai and Thanjavur Districts Providing Combined Water Supply Scheme to 1751 habitations in Kunnandarkovil (Part), Gandarvakottai, Karambakudi, Thiruvarankulam, Aranthangi, Viralimalai (Part), Annavasal (Part) and Pudukottai (Part) of Pudukottai District and Vallam Town Panchayat in Thanjavur District with Kollidam as source at an estimated cost of Rs.315.70 Crore - Administrative Sanction accorded - implementation of the project with National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Loan assistance under RIDF XIX for the year 2013-14 - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC-II) Department - Salem Municipal Corporation – Formation of Approach road at Oxford Bridge and Gunpoint Bridge-Release of Rs.1.96 crore from Infrastructure and Amenities Fund – Released– Amendment- Orders – issued.
அரசாணை (ப) எண். 113
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (பேரூ2) துறை - நிதி - பேரூராட்சிகள் நிர்வாகம் - பல்வேறு திட்டப் பணிகளை மேற்கொள்ள, 2013-14ம் ஆண்டிற்கான உள்கட்டமைப்பு இடைவெளி நிரப்பும் நிதி தலைப்பின் கீழ் ரூ.46,31,89,000/- மற்றும் இயக்கம் மற்றும் பராமரிப்பு இடைவெளி நிரப்பும் நிதி தலைப்பின் கீழ் ரூ.10,37,93,000/-ம் நிதி ஒப்பளித்து - ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது.
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண். 38
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (மாந.1) துறை - கோயமுத்தூர் மாநகராட்சி - நகரமைப்பு - வடக்கு மண்டலம், வார்டு எண்.41 தமிழ்நாடு வீட்டுவசதி வாரியத்தால் அமைக்கப்பட்ட கந்திமாநகர் மனைப் பிரிவில் உள்ள சமுதாயக் கூடம் மற்றும் இடம் தமிழ்நாடு வீட்டுவசதி வாரியம் நிர்ணயம் செய்த விற்பனை விலை ரூ.5,13,38,000/-க்கு மாநகராட்சி பெயரில் பொதுக் கணக்கிலிருந்து கிரயம் செய்தல் - அனுமதி அளித்து - ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது.
G.O. (Ms) No.34
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS.4) Department - WATER SUPPLY – Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board- Providing 21.00 MLD of water supply to Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited Multi layer double coated board plant in Mondipatti Revenue Village in Manapparai Taluk of Srirangam Assembly Constituency in Tiruchirappalli District - Administrative Sanction – Orders – Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME1) Department - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies (TNIUS), Coimbatore - Tmt S. Amirta Jothi, Joint Commissioner (Administration), Office of the Commissioner of Municipal Administration - Placing in full additional charge of the post of Director, TNIUS, Coimbatore - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KfW) Grant Fund – II – Release of Rs.2.00 crore (Rupees two crore) towards Technical Assistance under Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KfW) assisted Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure Financing in Tamil Nadu (SMIF-TN) Program - Orders – Issued.
G.O.(Ms). No.89
Revenue [D.M.III] Department - Drought - Water Scarcity - Financial Assistance to Combat Drinking Water Scarcity - Rs.189.16 crores - Sanctioned from State Disaster Response Fund - Orders - Issued.
G.O. (Ms) No. 28
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS4) Department - WATER SUPPLY – Nilgris District - Combined Water Supply Scheme to Mulligur and 54 Rural Habitations in Mulligur, Ithalar and Nanjanadu Village Panchayats in Udhagamandalam Union of Nilgiris District with Surface water of Emerald Dam as Source at a cost of Rs. 25.85 crore to install and Rs.50.00 Lakhs to maintain annually – Approved by the Empowered Committee - Administrative Sanction - Orders issued.
G.O. (Ms) No.27
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS.4) Department - WATER SUPPLY – Combined Water Supply Scheme to 60 Quality affected habitations and 59 Way side habitations in Kattumannarkoil union and Lalpettai Town Panchayat in Cuddalore District with Infiltration Well source at Muttam in River Kollidam at a cost of Rs.18.16 crore to install and Rs.48.32 Lakhs to maintain annually – Approved by the Empowered Committee - Administrative Sanction - Orders issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP-II) Department - NABARD RIDF XIX for the year 2013-14 - Town Panchayats Administration - RElease of an amount of Rs.5150.00 lakhs as Fist Instalment for Improvement of 332 Roads to a length of 425.92 km. in 281 Town Panchayats in 31 Districts at an Outlay of Rs.10300.00 lakhs - Orders - Issued.
G.O. (Ms) No. 24
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (Election) Department - Act – The Dindigul City Municipal Corporation Act, 2013 (Tamil Nadu Act 25 of 2013) –– Bringing into force – Notification - Issued.
G.O. (Ms) No.22
Municipal Administration and Water Supply [MA.V(I)] Department - Municipal Administration - Sivagangai Municipality - Golden Jubilee Celebration - Announcement made by the Honble Chief Minister for taking up new works - Administrative sanction for Rs.25.00 crore - Orders - Issued.
G.O. (Ms) No.23
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (Election) Department - Act – The Thanjavur City Municipal Corporation Act, 2013 (Tamil Nadu Act 24 of 2013) – Bringing into force – Notification - Issued.
G.O. (Ms) No.21
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC-II) Department - Collector’s Conference 2013 – Announcement made by the Hon’ble Chief Minister - establishment of “Amma Unavagam” in Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai – orders – Issued.
G.O.(Ms) No.20
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA3) Department - Thanjavur Municipality – Funds for the infrastructure works in Thanjavur Municipality under Infrastructure and Amenities Fund – Sanctioning of Rs. 4.11 crore - Orders – Issued.
G.O.(D).No. 38
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP-II) Department - Solid Waste Management - Administrative Sanction for a sum of Rs. 48.58 crore and Financial Sanction for a sum of Rs.43.728 crore for implementing Solid Waste Management Projects in 77 Town Panchayats under Special Solid Waste Management Fund - Accorded - Orders - Issued.
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண்.17
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (மாந.1) துறை - சென்னை மாநகராட்சி - தொழிற் பயிற்சி நிலைய மாணவர்களுக்கு மாநகர போக்குவரத்து கழக பேருந்தில் இலவச பயண சலுகை வழங்குதல் - ஆணை - வெளியிடப்படுகிறது.
G.O. (Ms) No.13
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS2) Department - Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for small and Medium Town Scheme – Thiruvathipuram Municipality Water Supply Improvement Scheme – Administrative sanction at a approval cost of Rs.1343.51 lakh- Accorded – orders – Issued.
G.O. (Ms) No.14
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS1) Department - Administrative sanction for Water Supply Improvement Scheme in Arani Municipality at an estimated cost of Rs.3626.20 lakh – Accorded –Orders – Issued.
G.O.(D). No.23
Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department - UIDSSMT SCHEME - Periyakulam Municipality - Implementation of Under Ground Sewerage Scheme to the uncovered areas of Periyakulam Municipality - Estimate Cost of Rs. 2660.00 lakhs- Administrative Sanction - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(D). No.24
Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department - UIDSSMT SCHEME - Sattur Municipality - Implementation of Under Ground Sewerage Scheme to Sattur Municipality - Estimate Cost of Rs. 3766.35 lakh - Administrative Sanction - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(D). No.25
Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department - UIDSSMT SCHEME - Mettur Municipality - Implementation of Under Ground Sewerage Scheme to Mettur Municipality - Estimate Cost of Rs. 7308.74 lakh - Administrative Sanction - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(D). No.26
Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department - UIDSSMT SCHEME - Arakkonam Municipality - Implementation of Under Ground Sewerage Scheme to Arakkonam Municipality - Estimate Cost of Rs. 9551.70 lakh - Administrative Sanction - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(D). No.27
Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department - UIDSSMT SCHEME - Thirupathur Municipality - Implementation of Under Ground Sewerage Scheme to Thirupathur Municipality - Estimate Cost of Rs. 10400.97 lakh - Administrative Sanction - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(D). No.28
Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department - UIDSSMT SCHEME - Chidambaram Municipality - Implementation of Under Ground Sewerage Scheme to Chidambaram Municipality - Estimate Cost of Rs. 7562.23 lakh - Administrative Sanction - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms) No. 11
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS2) Department - Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for small and Medium Town Scheme – Tindivanam Municipality water supply improvement Scheme – Administrative sanction at an estimated cost of Rs.5244.73 lakh- Accorded – orders – Issued.
G.O.(Ms) No.12
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS2) Dept - Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for small and Medium Town Scheme – Periyakulam Municipality water supply improvement Scheme – Administrative sanction at a approved cost of Rs.1553.52 lakh- Accorded – orders – Issued.
G.O.(Ms). No.9
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS4) Department - Water Supply Improvement Scheme - -Water Supply Improvement Scheme to Tirunelveli City Municipal Corporation - under KfW funding through TNUIFSL – Approved by Empowered Committee - Administrative Sanction – Orders – Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.II) Department - Town Panchayats Administration - Construction of Office Buildings in 15 Town Panchayats and Office of the Assistant Director of Town Panchayats in Tirunelveli Zone at a cost of Rs.7.00 crore - Release of balance amount of Rs.3.50 crore for the year 2013-14 - Orders - Issued.
Housing and Urban Development (Bud.2) Department - Court - Civil - Empowring the IX Judge Court of small causes, Chennai as Rent Control Appellate Authority and as Rent Controller under the Tamil Nadu Buildings (Lease and Rent Control) Act, 1960 - Amendment Notification - Issued.
G.O.(Ms).No. 193
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (MA.2) DEPARTMENT - Survey of Manual Scavengers - Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers in Tamil Nadu - Constitution of Survey Committees - State and District Level - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(D).No. 580
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (MA2) DEPARTMENT - Integrated Urban Development Mission (IUDM) – Projects approved by the Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (8th Meeting) for the year 2013-14 – Administrative sanction accorded – Orders – Issued
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Urban Development – Commissioner of Town and Country Planning – Release of Infrastructure and Amenities Fund – for the projects of more than 5 crores in three instalments – Orders – Issued.
G.O.(D).No. 546
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (M.C.II) DEPARTMENT - Coimbatore Municipal Corporation - Pillur - II Water Supply Improvement Scheme, Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation - Revised Administrative approval at an estimated cost of Rs. 159.85 crore - Orders - Issued.
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Urban Development – Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority – Regularisation Unit – Exemption of unauthorized developments made prior to 01.07.2007 from Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 under Section 113-C of the Act – Delegation of powers to the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority in respect of Chennai Metropolitan Area – Re-Delegation of powers to the Member Secretary, Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority – Orders Issued – Notified.
G.O.(D).No. 531
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (T.P. II) Department - NABARD – RIDF XIX for the year 2013-14 – Town Panchayats Department – Improvement of 332 Roads to a length of 425.92 km in 281 Town Panchayats at an estimated cost of Rs. 103.00 crore - Administrative sanction - Accorded – Orders - Issued
G.O.(Ms).No. 156
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (WS4) DEPARTMENT - Water Supply – Coimbatore District Combined Water Supply Scheme to Thondamuthur, Pooluvapatty, Thenkarai, Vedapatti, Dhaliyur, Alandurai and Perur Town Panchayats and 134 Rural Habitations in Thondamuthur Union in Coimbatore District with River Bhavani as source at a cost of Rs.130.46 crore to install and 3.91 crore to annual maintenance – Recommended by the Empowered Committee – Administrative Sanction – Orders – Issued.
G.O.(Ms).No. 158
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (WS4) DEPARTMENT - WATER SUPPLY - Thanjavur District - Combined Water Supply Scheme to 1153 Rural Habitations in 9 Unions and to Peravurani Adhiramapattinam and Perumagalur Town Panchayats in Thanjavur District with River Kollidam as source at a cost of Rs. 495.70 Crore to install and Rs. 9.19 Crore to maintain annually - Recommended by the Empowered Committee - Administrative Sanction - Orders - issued.
G.O. (Ms).No. 157
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (WS4) DEPARTMENT - WATER SUPPLY - Erode and Tiruppur Districts - Combined Water Supply Improvement Scheme to 1262 rural habitations in Vellakovil, Mulanur, Dharapuram, Kundadam, Kangayam Unions in Tiruppur District and Chennimalai Union in Erode District with the bulk provision made in Combined Water Supply Improvement Scheme to Vellakovil and Kangeyam Municipalities and 528 rural habitations in Erode and Tiruppur Districts with River Cauvery near Kodumudi as source at a cost of Rs.91.16 Crore to install and Rs.352.80 Lakh to maintain Annually - Approved by the Empowered Committee - Administrative Sanction - Orders - issued.
G.O.(D).No. 525
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC 4) Department - The Tamil Nadu Municipal Corporations Engineering and Water Supply Service - Madurai Corporation - Estimate of vacancy for the post of City Engineer for the year 2013-14 approved as one and included the name of Thiru A. Mathuram, Executive Engineer, Madurai Corporation - Promoted as City Engineer in the Madurai Corporation and posted - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(D).No. 519
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (MA2) DEPARTMENT - Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission - Urban Infrastructure and Governance Scheme - Release of Rs.239.63 lakh as 3rd installment of Central and State Share for Providing Comprehensive Water Supply Scheme to Nerkundram under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission - Urban Infrastructure and Governance Scheme (JNNURM - UIG) - Orders issued.
அரசாணை  (நிலை) எண்.  142
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (நநி.5) துறை - நிலம் - நாமக்கல் நகராட்சி - நாமக்கல் நகராட்சிக்குட்பட்ட கணேசபுரம், டி பிளாக், எண். 18 நகரளவை எண்கள் 6/2, 6/3, 6/4, 6/7 மற்றும் 6/8 ஆகிய புல எண்கள் உள்ள நிலங்களில் மொத்தம் 3541-1/2 சதுர அடி புஞ்சை நிலத்தினை நாமக்கல் நகராட்சியின் பாதாள சாக்கடைத் திட்டத்திற்கு குழாய்கள் பதிக்க தனியார் நில உரிமைதாரர்களிடமிருந்து பேச்சுவார்த்தை மூலம் நில எடுப்பு செய்யவும், அதற்கான நில்க்கிரையத் தொகையினை நகராட்சியின் பொது நிதியிலிருந்து நில உரிமையாளர்களுக்கு வழங்கவும் நிர்வாக அனுமதி அளித்து ஆணை வெளியிடப்பட்டது - கூடுதல் இழப்பீட்டுத் தொகை ரூ.9,38,498/-ஐ நிலக்கிரையம் செய்து கொடுத்த தனியார் நில உரிமைதாரர்களுக்கு நகராட்சியின் பொது நிதியிலிருந்து வழங்க நாமக்கல் நகராட்சிக்கு அனுமதி வழங்கி ஆணை - வெளியிடப்படுகிறது.
G.O.(D).No. 492
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (MA2) DEPARTMENT - Integrated Urban Development Mission (IUDM) - Projects approved by the Project Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee for the year 2013-14 - Administrative sanction and Revised Administrative sanction accorded - Orders - Issued
G.O.(Ms).No. 137
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (ME.1) DEPARTMENT - Municipal Commissioners - Tamil Nadu Municipal Commissioners Subordinate Service - Municipal Commissioners, Grade -II - Appointment and Posting - Orders - Issued.
G.O. (Ms).No. 135
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (MA2) DEPARTMENT - Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission - Basic Services to Urban Poor Scheme - Release of Rs. 18813.18 lakh as II, III and IV installment of Government of India and Government of Tamil Nadu share to Avadi Phase - II, Perumbakkam Phase I & II, Tambaram and Pallavaram Municipalities for the year 2012 - 13 - Amendment to G.O.(D) No.381, Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department, dated 11.07.2013 - Orders - Issued.
G.O. (Ms).No. 113
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (ME.1) DEPARTMENT - Establishment - Constitution of Tamil Nadu Municipal Accounts Service - Under Sub-section (1) of section 77-A of the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920) - Notification - Issued.
FINANCE (Pay Cell) DEPARTMENT - Revised Scales of Pay, 2009 - Revision of scales of pay for the post of Superintendent in Municipal Administration Department - Implementation of the recommendations of the Pay Grievance Cell - Orders - Issued.
FINANCE (Pay Cell) DEPARTMENT - Revised Scales of Pay, 2009 - Revision of scales of pay of certain categories in Municipal Administration Department - Implementation of the recommendations of the Pay Grievance Cell - Orders - Issued.
FINANCE (Pay Cell) DEPARTMENT - Revised Scales of Pay, 2009 - Revision of scales of pay of certain categories in Municipalities - Implementation of the recommendations of the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell - Orders - Issued.
FINANCE (Pay Cell) DEPARTMENT - Revised Scales of Pay, 2009 - Revision of scales of pay of certain categories in Municipalities - Implementation of the recommendations of the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell - Orders - Issued.
FINANCE (Pay Cell) DEPARTMENT - Revised Scales of Pay, 2009 - Revision of scales of pay of certain categories in Town and Country Planning Department - Implementation of the recommendations of the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell - Orders - Issued.
FINANCE (Pay Cell) DEPARTMENT - Revised Scales of Pay, 2009 - Revision of scales of pay for the post of Executive Officer, Grade-II in Town Panchayats - Implementation of the recommendations of the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell - Orders - Issued.
FINANCE (Pay Cell) DEPARTMENT - Revised Scales of Pay, 2009 - Revision of scales of pay for the post of Executive Officer (Special Grade Town Panchayat) in Town Panchayats - Implementation of the recommendations of the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell - Orders - Issued.
FINANCE (Pay Cell) DEPARTMENT - Revised Scales of Pay, 2009 - Revision of scales of pay of certain categories in Corporation of Chennai - Implementations of the recommendations of the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell - Orders - Issued.
FINANCE (Pay Cell) DEPARTMENT - Revised Scales of Pay, 2009 - Revision of scales of pay of certain categories in Corporation of Coimbatore - Implementation of the recommendation of the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell - Orders - Issued.
FINANCE (Pay Cell) DEPARTMENT - Revised Scales of Pay, 2009 - Revision of scales of pay of certain categories in Corporation of Coimbatore - Implementation of the recommendations of the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell - Orders - Issued.
FINANCE (Pay Cell) DEPARTMENT - Revised Scales of Pay, 2009 - Revision of scales of pay of certain categories in All Corporations (Excluding Chennai Corporation) / Municipalities - Implementation of the recommendations of the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell - Orders - Issued
G.O.(D).No. 381
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (MA2) DEPARTMENT - Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) - Basic Services to the Urban Poor (BSUP) Scheme - Release of Rs. 18813.18 lakh as II, III and IV installment of Government of India and Government of Tamil Nadu share to Avadi Phase - II, Perumbakkam Phase I & II, Tambaram and Pallavaram Municipalities for the year 2012 - 13 - Orders Issued.
அரசாணை (ப) எண்.382
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (பேரூ.2) துறை - நிதி - பேரூராட்சிகள் நிர்வாகம் - பல்வேறு திட்டப்பணிகளை மேற்கொள்ள, 2013-14ம் ஆண்டிற்கான உள்கட்டமைப்பு இடைவெளி நிரப்பும் நிதி தலைப்பின் கீழ் ரூ. 29,92,25,000/ - மற்றும் இயக்கம் மற்றும் பராமரிப்பு இடைவெளி நிரப்பும் நிதி தலைப்பின் கீழ் ரூ.19,94,83,000/-ம் நிதி ஒப்பளித்து ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது.
G.O. (Ms).No. 106
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (MA2) DEPARTMENT - Integrated Urban Development Mission (IUDM) - Sanction and release of an amount of Rs.2.50 crore to Urban Local Bodies for implementation of IUDM for the year 2013 -14 - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms).No. 176
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(2)] Department - Vandavasi Local Planning Area - Constitution of Local Planning Authority under proviso to section 11(1) of the Tamil Nadu Town Country Planning Act 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972) - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms). No. 171
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(2)] Department - Peranampattu Local Planning Area - Vellore Region - Declaration of Local Planning Area under sub-section (1) of section 10 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Preliminary Notification - Issued.
G.O.(Ms). No.174
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(2)] Department - Local Planning Area - Pallipalayam Local Planning Area - Notified - Constitution of Local Planning Authority under section 11(1) of the Tamil Nadu Town Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972) - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms).No. 172
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(2)] Department - Local Planning Area - Inclusion of additional areas in Vellore Local Planning Area under section 10 (1) (b) of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Intention - Notified.
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(2)] Department - Local Planning Area - Inclusion of additional areas in Udhagamandalam Local Planning Area under clause (b) of sub-section (1) section 10 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Intention - Notified.
G.O.(D).No. 356
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (MA2) DEPARTMENT - Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) - Basic Services to the Urban Poor (BSUP) - Release of an amount of Rs.6582.48 lakh and matching State share of Rs.5412.43 lakh (Totally as 11994.91) as 3rd and 4th installment for Coimbatore Phase-I & Phase-II projects and Madurai Phase II & Phase III projects under BSUP Scheme for the year 2012-13 - Orders issued.
G.O.(D).No. 333
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC.I) Department - Chennai Corporation - Construction of “Multi Level Car Parking at Bashyam Road, Theagaraya Nagar” under Design, Build, Operate and Transfer (DBOT) basis at a total Project cost of Rs.25.00 Crore - Administrative Sanction accorded - Orders - Issued.
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Housing and Urban Development - Reduction of Infrastructure and Amenities charges for buildings constructed prior to 01.07.2007 - Terms for handing over of 10% Open Space Reservation in respect of Educational Institutions - Orders - Issued.
Housing and Urban Development [UD 4(2)] Department - Local Planning Area - Kangeyam Local Planning Area - Salem Region - Declaration of Local Planning Area under sub-section (1) of section 10 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971- Preliminary Notification - Issued.
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(2)] Department - Local Planning Area - Vellakoil Local Planning Area - Salem Region - Tiruppur District - Declaration of Local Planning Area under sub section (1) of section 10 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Preliminary Notification - Issued.
Housing and Urban Development [UD(4(2))] Department - Local Planning Area - Erode - Addition of villages covered under Perundurai and Chithode New Town Development Area and 26 villages in Non Plan Area to Erode Local Planning Area - Notification under Section 10 (1) of the Tamil Nadu and Country Planning Act, 1971(Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972) - Orders - Issued.
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(2)] Department - Local Planning Area - Inclusion of additional areas in Tuticorin Local Planning Area under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 10 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972) - Intention - Notified.
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(2)] Department - Local Planning Authority - Inclusion of additional areas in Krishnagiri Local Planning Area under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 10 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972) - Intention - Notified.
G.O.(Ms). No.150
Housing and Urban Development [UD 4(2)] Department - Gudalur Local Planning Area - Madurai Region - Theni District - Declaration of Local Planning Area under sub-section (1) of section 10 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Preliminary Notification - Issued.
G.O.(Ms). No.151
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(2)] Department - Local Planning Area - Inclusion of additional areas in Tirunelveli Local Planning Area under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 10 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Intention - Notified.
G.O.(Ms). No.152
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(2)] Department - Local Planning Area - Jayamkondam Local Planning Area - Ariyalur District - Declaration of Local Planning Area under section 10(1) of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971(Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972) - Preliminary Notification - Issued.
G.O.(Ms). No.153
Housing and Urban Development [UD 4(2)] Department - Local Planning Area - Master Plan for Mamallapuram Local Planning Area Approval under section 28 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972) - Accorded.
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(2)] Department - Dindigul Local Planning Area - Appointment of Members under section 11(3) (b) (ii) and 11(3) (c) of Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(D).No. 317
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (MA2) DEPARTMENT - Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission - Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme Scheme - Release of an amount of Rs.312.05 lakh as balance 50% of the 2nd installment of Government of India share to Salem Corporation for the year 2013-14 - Orders- Issued.
G.O.(Ms). No. 143
Housing and Urban Development [UD 4(2)] Department - Local Planning Area - Udumalpet Local Planning Area - Inclusion of additional areas under section 10(1) (b) of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Intention - Notified.
G.O.(Ms). No.138
Housing and Urban Development [UD 4(2)] Department - Tiruppur Local Planning Area - Appointment of Members under section 11(3) (b) (ii) and 11(3) (c) of Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms). No.141
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(2)] Department - Madurai Local Planning Area - Appointment of Members under section 11(3) (b) (ii) and 11 (3) (c) of Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms).No. 139
Housing and Urban Development [UD(4(2))] Department - Tiruchirappalli Local Planning Area - Appointment of Members under section 11(3) (b) (ii) and 11(3) (c) of Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms).No. 140
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(2)] Department - Nagercoil Local Planning Area - Appointment of Members under section 11(3) (b) (ii) and 11(3) (c) of Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms). No. 133
Housing and Urban Development [UD(4(2))] Department - Cuddalore Local Planning Area - Appointment of Members under section 11(3) (b) (ii) and 11 (3) (c) of Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms). No.135
Housing and Urban Development [UD(4(2))] Department - Poompuhar Local Planning Area - Appointment of Members under section 11(3) (b) (ii) and 11 (3) (c) of Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Orders - Issued.
Housing and Urban Development [UD(4(2))] Department - Salem Local Planning Area - Appointment of Members under section 11(3)(b)(ii) and 11 (3) (c) of Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Orders - Issued.
Housing and Urban Development [UD(4(2))] Department - Gummidipoondi Local Planning Area - Appointment of Members under section 11(3) (b) (ii) and 11 (3) (c) of Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Orders - Issued.
Housing and Urban Development [UD(4(2))] Department - Thoothukudi Local Planning Area - Appointment of Members under section 11(3) (b) (ii) and 11 (3) (c) of Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(D).No. 308
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (MA2) DEPARTMENT - Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) - Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme (IHSDP) Scheme - Sanction and Release of the State Matching share amount of Rs.147.33 lakh as 2nd installment to ArupppuKottai Municipality for the year 2013-14 - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.II) Department - Town Panchayat Administration - Implementation of intensive Animal Birth Control and Anti Rabies Programme in Town Panchayat - Sanction accorded for a sum of Rs.8.50 crore as Special grant during the year 2012-13 - Release of funds Orders Issued.
G.O.(MS).No. 73
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (M.A.3) Department - TAMIL NADU LIVELIHOOD MISSION - Announcement in Budget Speech 2012-13 - Introduction of the New Scheme "Tamil Nadu Urban Livelihood Mission" - Formation of High Level Governing Board, Empowered Committee, District Level Co-ordination Committee and Mission Directorate - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms).No. 166
FINANCE (FC - II) DEPARTMENT - Thirteenth Finance Commission - Local Bodies Grants - Release of General Performance Grant to Urban Local Bodies - Sanction of payment of interest at the rate of 8.5% to ULBs in lieu of delay in release of grants - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (M.A.3) Department - Under Ground Sewerage Scheme - Nagapattinam Under Ground Sewerage - Permission to Nagapattinam Municipality for sale of the secondary treatment effluent to M/s. KVK. Nagai Power Private Limited - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (M.A.3) Department - Tamil Nadu Urban Development Project-III - Under Ground Sewerage Scheme - Villupuram Municipality - KfW assisted sustainable municipal infrastructure financing - Revised Administrative Sanction - Accorded - Orders - Issued.
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண்.53
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (பேரூ1) துறை - பணியமைப்பு - பேரூராட்சிகள் நிர்வாகம் - பேரூராட்சிகள் இயக்கக மற்றும் மண்டல பேரூராட்சிகளின் உதவி இயக்குநர் அலுவலகங்களிலுள்ள மொத்தம் 179 தற்காலிக பணியிடங்கள் 01.04.2013 முதல் நிரந்தர பணியிடங்களாக்குதல் - ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது.
அரசாணை (ப) எண்.224
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (நப.3) துறை - பொதுப்பணிகள் - ஈரோடு நகராட்சியின் முன்னாள் இளநிலைப் பொறியாளர் திரு ஏ.ரங்கப்பா (தற்போது ஓய்வு) தமிழ்நாடு நகராட்சிப் பணி (ஒழுங்கு மற்றும் மேல்முறையீடு) விதி 8(2)-ன் கீழ் ஒழுங்கு நடவடிக்கை - இறுதி ஆணை - வெளியிடப்படுகிறது.
G.O.(D).No. 207
Commercial Taxes and Registration (M1) Department - Society - Registration Department - Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies (Regd.No.90/1982), Coimbatore - Struck off from the Register of Societies - Belated filling of appeal for restoration - Exemption from the provisions of Rule 37(3) of the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Rules, 1978 - Granted - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms) No.9
Information Technology (e-Gov.II) Department - Disposal of obsolete/old Computers, Accessories and Peripherals available in Government Departments/ Agencies/ Boards/ Corporations/ Public Sector Undertakings - Guidelines - Orders Issued.
G.O.(D).No. 213
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.3) Department - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineering Service - Thiru K. Subas Bose. Municipal Engineer Grade-1 - Placed under suspension and not allowed to retire from service on attaining the age of superannuation - Suspension revoked and allowed to retire from service on the afternoon of 31.03.2012 without prejudice to the Audit Objection to be raised against him - Orders - Issued.
Letter No. 6424/ME3/2013-1
Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Municipal Service Rules - Filling up of vacant posts by Direct Recruitment through the State Level Committee - Chairman of the Chamber of Municipal Chairpersons as Ex-officio Member in the Selection Committee - Exemption orders issued - Erratum - Requested - Regarding.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Thirteenth Finance Commission - Local Body Grants - Release of General Performance Grants of Rs. 23,05,27,002/- to the Municipal Corporations, Municipalities and Grade-III Municipalities for the year 2012-13 - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA.IV) Department - Animal Birth Control (ABC) Programme - Implementation of Animal Birth Control (ABC) Programme in Urban Local Bodies - For construction of Dog Shelters, Purchase of Vehicles for dog transportation at an estimated cost of Rs. 5.40 crores - Administrative Sanction - Accorded - Orders - Issued.
FINANCE (ALLOWANCES) DEPARTMENT - GENERAL PROVIDENT FUND - Withdrawal from the General Provident Fund - Maximum limit - Amendments to rule 15-B of General Provident Fund (Tamil Nadu) Rules - Issued - Notified.
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண்.97
வருவாய் [நிமு1(2)] துறை - நிலம் - வீட்டுமனை ஒப்படை - அரசு நிலங்களில் வீடுகள் கட்டி குடியிருப்போரின் ஆக்கிரமிப்புகளை வரன்முறை செய்து வீட்டுமனைப்பட்டா வழங்கும் சிறப்புத் திட்டம் 30.09.2012 உடன் முடிவடைந்தது - மேலும் ஆறுமாதக் காலத்திற்கு 31.03.2013 வரை நீட்டிப்பு செய்து ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது.
G.O.(Ms).No. 42
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (MA2) DEPARTMENT - Elimination if Insanitary Latrines and Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers in Tamil Nadu - Appointment of Commissioner of Municipal Administration as State Level Nodal Agency to conduct survey and verification activity - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms). No. 23
PUBLIC WORKS (R1) DEPARTMENT - Tiruvallur Municipality - Allocation of lands to Tiruvallur Municipality for construction of Sewage Treatment Plant - Fixation of rent of Rs. 1/- per Sq. m. - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Thirteenth Finance Commission - Local Body Grants - General Basic Grant for 2012-13 - Second instalment of General Basic Grant for 2012-13 released by GOI - Release of balance amount of second instalment of General Basic Grant for 2012-13 - Orders issued.
G.O.(Ms). No.45
Agriculture (H2) Department - Agriculture - Announcement - Projecting the importance and values of Tender Coconut, Shikakai, Cotton and other traditional Agro Products - Financial sanction for a sum of Rs. 10.00 Crores - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Creation of an Independent Ombudsman System for Local Bodies - Approval accorded - Orders - Issued.
Letter No.106/ME.1/2013-1
Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department - Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies, Coimbatore - Registered under societies Act Reconstitution of Management Committee requested - Regarding.
அரசு கடித (நிலை) எண்.23
பணியாளர் மற்றும் நிர்வாகச் சீர்திருத்தத் (எஸ்) துறை - பணியாளர் - அரசுப் பணியாளர்கள் இடமாற்றம் பொது மாற்றல்கள் 2013-2014 ஆம் ஆண்டுக்கு தொடருதல் - ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC.6) Department - New Integrated Bus Stand - Thoothukkudi City Municipal Corporation - Construction of New Integrated Bus Stand in Thoothukkudi - Feasibility study to identify the location for construction - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP2) Department - NABARD (RIDF XVIII) for the year 2012-13 - Town Panchayats Administration – Administrative Sanction accorded for the improvement of 366 Roads in 292 Town Panchayats at a cost of Rs.10100.40 lakhs and construction of 376 sanitary complexes in 244 Town Panchayats at a cost of Rs.4520.40 lakhs – Release of Rs.5050.20 lakhs and Rs.2260.00 lakhs being 50% of the outlay of Rs. 14620.40 lakhs - Orders - issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP2) Department - NABARD (RIDF XVIII) for the year 2012-13 - Town Panchayats Administration – Administrative Sanction accorded for comprehensive development of 234 Ooranies in 143 Town Panchayats at a cost of Rs.5432.25 lakhs – Release of Rs.2716.125 lakhs being 50% amount of sanctioned project - Orders - issued.
Finance (Local Fund) Department - Pension - Contributory Pension Scheme - Contribution from the employees of the Aided School / Aided Colleges - Entrusting the Auditing of the Contributory Pension Scheme Accounts to the Chief Internal Auditor and Chief Auditor of statutory Boards - Orders - Issued.
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(1)] Department - Exemption – Exemption of unauthorized developments made prior to 1.7.2007 from Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 under section 113-C of the Act – Delegation of powers to Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority in respect of Chennai Metropolitan Area and Director of Town and Country Planning in areas other than Chennai Metropolitan Area – Orders - Notification under section 91 of Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act 1971 – Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP2) Department - Town Panchayats Administration – Permission to Director of Town Panchayats to anvil 90% grant sanctioned by HUDCO for construction of Night Shelter in Kalavai Town Panchayat in Vellore District at an estimate cost of Rs. 25.00 lakhs and Sanitary Complex in Konganapuram Town Panchayat in Salem District and Ayakudi Town Panchayat in Dindigul District at an estimate cost of each Rs. 15.00 lakhs – orders - Issued.
G.O.(D).No. 75
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.III) Department - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineering Service - Thiru R.Vijayakumar, Chief Engineer (Retired), Office of the Commissioner of Municipal Administration - Service terms and conditions - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.1) Department - Establishment - Municipal Administration - Certain Municipalities Upgraded - Creation of certain posts - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS4) Department - WATER SUPPLY - Tirunelveli District – Combined Water Supply Schemes to 170 Rural Habitations in Manur u nion (part) and Palayamkottai u nion (part) in Tirunelveli District with river Tamiraparani as source near Melakallur at a cost of Rs. 32.40 crore to install and Rs.1.28 crore to annual maintenance – Cleared by the Empowered Committee - Administrative Sanction - Orders issued.
G.O.(D).No. 63
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - JNNURM - Grants-in-aid under USHA - Conduct survey for the preparation of slum, poverty livelihood profile in the selected towns cities - Release of Rs. 79,91,601/- for 25 ULBs - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - JNNURM - Basic Services of Urban Poor (BSUP) - Release of State share for Kurichi, Kuniamuthur, Goundampalayam Municipalities - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA.1) Department - Rules - Tamil Nadu Urban Local Bodies (Provision of Special Facilities for the Differently Abled Persons in the Multi-Storeyed and Public Buildings) Rules 2013 – orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.1) Department - Municipal Commissioners - Tamil Nadu Municipal Commissioners Subordinate Service - Municipal Commissioners,Grade-II - Appointment and posting - orders - issued.
Housing and Urban Development (HB5(2)) Department - Housing - Tamil Nadu Housing Board - Special repair works under Tamil Nadu Government Servants Rental Housing Scheme by Tamil Nadu Housing Board - Administrative sanction and sanction of funds - accorded - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(2D) No.11
Housing and Urban Development (UD4(1)) Department - Urban Development – Implementation of Web-based plan scrutiny system based on Development Control Regulations for eleven Local Planning Authorities, Mamallapuram New Town Development Area and Chengalpattu Region at an estimated cost of Rs.2.20 crores - Funding Assistance from Infrastructure and Amenities Charges Fund – Approved by State Infrastructure and Amenities Promotion Committee – Sanction of funds - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - JNNURM - IHSDP - Release of Rs. 2299.555 lakh as 1st installment of GOI+GOTN share to Chinnamannur, Usilampatti, Paramakudi, Periyakulam, Hosur Municipalities and Vellore Corporation for the year 2012-13 - Orders Issued.
G.O.(Ms). No.21
Housing and Urban Development (HB5(2)) Department - Tamil Nadu Housing Board - Technical Cell-Redevelopment of Tamil Nadu Government Servants Rental Housing Schemes in Chennai - Demolition and Reconstruction of new Flats under TNGRHS and Self Financing Scheme - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms). No.23
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(2)]Department - Urban Development – Preparation of Master Plan for areas other than Chennai Metropolitan Area – Preparation of existing land use map using modern techniques in three phases at a total cost of Rs.41 crores – Implementation of first phase at a cost of Rs.4,91,46,400/- Work entrusted to M/s. Bharatidasan University and Exemption u/s 16(f) of TNTIT Act - Orders Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS4) Department - Cuddalore District – Combined Water Supply Schemes to Cuddalore Municipality, Bhuvanagiri and Parangipettai Town Panchayats and 812 rural habitations in Cuddalore District with River Kollidam as source at a cost of Rs. 260.54 crore to install and Rs.6.00 crore for annual maintenance – Cleared by the Empowered Committee - Administrative Sanction - Orders issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS4) Department - Pudukottai and Thanjavur Districts – Providing Combined Water Supply Scheme to 1751 habitations in Kunnandarkoil (part), Gandarvakottai, Karambakudi, Thiruvarankulam, Aranthangi, Viralimalai (part) , Annavasal(part) and Pudukottai (part) of Pudukottai District and Vallam Town Panchayat in Thanjavur District with River Kollidam as source at a cost of Rs. 315.70 crore to insall and Rs.9.61 crore for annual maintenance - Recommended by the Empowered Committee – Administrative Approval – Accorded - Orders - issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS2) Department - Tamil Nadu Urban Development Programme – III – Water Supply Improvement Scheme to Pallavaram, Pammal and Theni- Allinagaram Municipality – at an estimated cost of Rs.211.88 Crores – Administrative Sanction – Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS4) Department - Demand No.34 – 2011-2012 - Announcements made by the Minister on the Floor of the Assembly – Rejuvenation works pertaining to 37 infiltration wells in 9 Combined Water Supply Schemes which mainly cater to the needs of Urban areas at a cost of Rs.113.50 lakhs - Administrative sanction - Orders – Issued.
G.O.(Ms). No.12
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(2)]Department - Urban Development – Town and Country Planning Board – Committee of Town and Country Planning Board – Ceiling on the financial powers for sanction of grant to the schemes implemented under Town and Country Planning Development Fund – Enhanced – Orders – Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - Announcement 2012-13 – Town Panchayats Administration – Administrative Sanction for implementation of Under Ground Sewerage Scheme in 5 Town Panchayats at an estimated cost of Rs.166.38 crores - Orders issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS4) Department - Pudukottai and Sivagangai Districts – Providing Combined Water Supply Scheme to 1766 rural habitations in Viralimalai (part), Annavasal (part), Ponnamaravathy, Thirumaiyam, Arimalam, Kunnandarkovil (part), Pudukottai (part) Panchayat Unions in Pudukottai District and 125 habitations in S. Pudur and Sakottai Panchayat Uni ons of Sivagangai district with River Cauvery as source at a cost of Rs.301.50 crore for installation and a sum of Rs.10.86 crore for annual maintenance - Recommended by the Empowered Committee – Administrative Approval – Accorded - Orders - issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS4) Department - Tiruppur District - Providing Combined Water Supply Scheme to 158 rural habitations in Gudimangalam and Udumalaipetti Panchayat Uni ons of Tiruppur District with Thirumoorthy Dam as source at a cost of Rs.54.14 crore for installation of Rs.1.20 crore for annual maintenance – Recommended by the Empowered Committee – Administrative approval – Orders – Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (W.S. IV) Department - Thoothukudi District- Combined Water Supply Scheme to 248 Rural Habitations in Kovilpatti (part), Kayathar (part), Ottapidaram (part), Vilathikulam (part) and Pudur (part) Uni ons in Thoothukudi District with River Tamiraparani as source near Seevalaperi at a cost of Rs.94.04 crore to installation and a sum of Rs.1.62 crore for annual maintenance – Recommended by the Empowered Committee- Administrative approval-orders-Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - JNNURM - UIG Scheme - Release of Rs. 63,34,000/- towards reimbursement of DPR cost for purchase of buses under stimulus package for chennai, Madurai and Coimbatore - Orders issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Grants under the recommendation of the 13th Central Finance Commission - Release of Rs. 86,13,69,345/- as balance of 1st installment of General Basic Grant for 2012-13 - Orders issued.
G.O.(Ms). No.2
Housing and Urban Development [HB4(2)] Department - Housing - Tamil Nadu Housing Board - Allocation of Housing Plots / Flats / Houses of Tamil Nadu Housing Board to Judicial Officers those who are serving in the State of Tamil Nadu - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms).No. 01
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(2)] Department - New Town Development Area – Inclsion of additional areas in Hosur New Town Development Area under section 10 (1) (c) of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 – Intention – Notified.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA1) Department - Rules - The Tamil Nadu Urban Local Bodies(Installation of Closed Circuit Television Units in Public Buildings) Rules 2012 -Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) - Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme (IHSDP) - Release of cumulative amount of Rs. 1378.77 lakh (out of which Rs. 1169.289 lakh being GOI share and Rs. 209.48 lakh being GOTN share) as 1st instalment to Kulithalai Municipality and other 3 Municipalities for the year 2012-2013 - Orders issued.
Housing and Urban Development UD [4(1)] Department - Urban Development – Development Control Regulations of Local Planning Areas covering Coimbatore, Madurai, Thiruchirapalli, Salem, Tirunelveli, Vellore, Tirupur, Erode, Thoothukudi and Mammallapuram areas and sub urban areas of Kancheepuram and Tiruvallur – Approved – Variation under sub section (4) of Section 32 of Tamil Nadu Town Country Planning Act 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972) – Notified.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - Surcharge Stamp Duty – Pooling of the fund at the State level and Apportionment of the Town Panchayats - Release of fund of the quarter ending 30.06.2012 - Orders – Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - Town Panchayat Administration – Thirteenth Finance Commission – Release of IInd installment of Basic Grant of Rs. 42,00,03,500/- to the Town Panchayats for the year 2012-2013 - Orders – Issued.
G.O. (Ms).No. 104
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.III) Department – Tamil Nadu Municipal Public Health Service Regulations, 1970 – Amendment – Issued.
G.O.(Rt).No. 139
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME 1) Department - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies, Coimbatore - Thiru. Ajay Yadav, Joint Commissioner of Municipal Administration - Placed in full additional charge of the post of Director, Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies, Coimbatore - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.III) Department - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineering Service - Thiru. R. Venkatachalam, Superintending Engineer (TNUDP-III), O/o. the Commissioner of Municipal Administration - Promoted as Chief Engineer and posted in the O/o. the Commissioner of Municipal Administration in the existing vacancy - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - State Finance Commission - Recommendations of 3rd State Finance Commission- Fund set apart 3% towards infrastructure gap filling fund and 2% towards O&M gap filling fund for the year 2012-13- Release of funds to Corporations and Municipalities- Orders issued.
Housing and Urban Development (UD4(1)) Department - Guidelines – Tamil Nadu Guidelines under section 113-C of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 for the Exemption of Buildings and Assessment and Collection of amount for Exemption, 2012 – Notification – Issued.
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(1)] Department - Rules – Rules under section 113 C of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 for Assessment and Collection of amount for exemption of Buildings, 2012 – Notification – Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - Budget Speech 2012-13 - Eradication of Open Defecation in Public Places in a phased manner - Improvement of existing toilets and construction of new toilets at an estimated cost of Rs. 72.60 crores - Funds released for 2012-13 - Orders - Issued.
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண்.215
வீட்டுவசதி மற்றும் நகர்ப்புற வளர்ச்சித் (நிஎ4-1) துறை - தமிழ்நாடு வீட்டுவசதி வாரியம் - மாத தவணைக்கான அபராத வட்டி, வட்டி முதலாக்கத்திற்கான வட்டி, நிலத்திற்கான இறுதி விலை வித்தியாசத்திற்கான சலுகை ஆகிய சலுகைகளை விற்பனைப்பத்திரம் பெறாத ஒதுக்கீடுதாரர்களுக்கு அளிக்க தமிழ்நாடு வீட்டுவசதி வாரியத்தின் பரிந்துரைகளை ஏற்று ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது.
Housing and Urban Development (UD I) Department - Urban Development – Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority – Second Master Plan for Chennai Metropolitan Area, 2026 – Amendment to Regulations 26, 27 and 28 of Development Regulations for Chennai Metropolitan Area on Allowing parking in the Upper Floors above Stilt Floors – Orders – Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC.II) Department - Budget Speech 2012-2013 - Solid Waste Management - Waste to Energy project in the Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode in Tirunelveli Corporation - Orders Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (General) Department - Socio-Economic and Caste Census - 2011 - Conduct of Socio - Economic and Caste Census in Tamil Nadu - Issue of Guidelines for Filing, Receiving and Disposing Claims and Objections during the post enumeration of SECC-2011 in Urban Areas - Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC.2) Department - New Office Building – Construction of Office Buildings for Salem City Municipal Corporation and 10 Municipalities at a total cost of Rs. 37.00 Crores – Announcement made by the Hon’ble Minister for Municipal Administration and Rural Development on the floor of the House – Grant of Rs. 21.00 Crores from O & M Gap Filling Fund and Rs. 5.00 Crores from infrastructure Gap Filling Fund – Administrative Sanction for Construction of New Office Building in Salem City Municipal Corporation at a cost of Rs. 7.00 Crores and Hosur Municipality at a cost of Rs. 6.00 Crores – Orders – Issued.
G.O.(D) No.225
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - IUDM – Project - Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee – IUDM Projects approved by the Project Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee for the year 2012-13 – Administrative sanction accorded – orders issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - NABARD – RIDF XVIII for the year 2012-13 – Town Panchayat Department – Comprehensive Development of 234 Ooranies in 143 Town Panchayats at an estimated cost of Rs. 54.3225 crore – Administrative sanction accorded – Orders – Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - NABARD – RIDF XVIII for the year 2012-13 – Town Panchayat Department – Improvement of roads and construction of sanitary complexes in Town Panchayats at an estimated cost of Rs. 146.204 crore – Administrative sanction accorded - Orders – Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - JNNURM – Basic Services to the Urban Poor Scheme (BSUP) for the year 2012-13 – Release of an amount of Rs. 375.88 lakh as 1st installment of Central and State share for phase II project of Avadi Municipality – Orders issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission – BSUP Scheme – Release of Rs. 815.41 lakh as 3rd & 4th installment of GOI & GoTN to Tambaram, Pallavaram, Poonamalle and Avadi Municipalities for the year 2011-12 – Orders issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - Announcements 2012-13 - Town Panchayats Administration - Construction of Office Building in 15 Town Panchayats and Tirunelveli Zone, Office of the Assistant Director of Town Panchayats at a cost of Rs.7.00 crore – Administrative Sanction and Financial Sanction for 2012-13 - Order Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Integrated Urban Development Mission (IUDM) – Sanction and release of an amount of Rs. 750.00 crore to Corporations (except Chennai Corporation), Municipalities and Town Panchayats for implementation of IUDM for the year 2012-2013 – Guidelines for constitution of the Project Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee and the creation of IUDM Fund – Approval of Guidelines and sanction of expenditure – Orders – Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission – Integrated Housing and Slum Development Progamme (IHSDP) scheme – Release of Rs. 765.12 lakh as 2nd installment of GOI share to Aruppukottai Municipality for the year 2012-13 – Orders issued.
Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (SGS1) Department - Schemes – Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department – “Self Sufficiency Scheme” (SSS) – Implementation of Scheme during 2012-2013 – Sanction of funds of Rs. 42,50,00,000/- (Rupees Forty Two Crores and Fifty Lakhs only) and prescribing Guidelines – Orders - Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - Town Panchayat Administration – Implementation of the GIS based property tax system in Ponneri Town Panchayat at an estimated cost of Rs. 36.00 Lakhs on pilot basis during 2012-2013 – Sanction accorded – Orders – issued.
G.O.(Ms).No. 92
PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT AND SPECIAL INITIATIVES (MC) DEPARTMENT - Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Department- - Formation of Departmental e-Governance Committee & e-Governance Implementation Committee to streamline the Software Development Process - Orders issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME-III) Department - Public Services - Thiru. R. Rajasekaran, Executive Engineer (Under Ground Sewerage Scheme), Dindigul Municipality (under suspension) - Due to retire from service on attaining the age of superannuation on 30.6.2012 - Not permitted to retire from service under 56 (1) (c) of the Fundamental Rule - Orders Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.4) Department - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineering Service - Thiru. R. Vijayakumar, Chief Engineer, Office of the Commissioner of Municipal Administration, Chennai - Permitted to retire from service on 30.06.2012 Afternoon, without prejudice to the disciplinary proceedings pending against him - Orders - Issued.
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண்.118
நெடுஞ்சாலை (ம) சிறு துறைமுகங்கள் (எச்.டபிள்யு1) துறை - நெடுஞ்சாலைத் துறை - சென்னை பெருநகர வளர்ச்சி திட்டத்தின் கீழ் முன்னுரிமை அடிப்படையில் தெரிவு செய்யப்பட்ட 3 பணிகள் - மாநில அடிப்படை வசதிகள் மற்றும் உள்கட்டமைப்பு மேம்பாட்டுக் குழுவின் பரிந்துரையின் படி உள்கட்டமைப்பு மற்றும் மேம்பாட்டு நிதியில் மேற்கொள்ளுதல் - நிர்வாக ஒப்புதல் - ஆணை - வெளியிடப்படுகிறது.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA.2) Department - Grants under the recommendation of the 13th Central Finance Commission - Release of 1st installment of Rs. 129,20,54,017/- as General Basic Grant - Orders Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA 5) Department - Part II Scheme – 2012-2013 – Construction of 42 Nos. (7 blocks) new Quarters for Sanitary workers of the Sankarankoil Municipality – Sanction of Rs. 2,00,00,000/- as grant – Orders – Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - Part II Scheme for the year 2012-13 – Improving Compost Yards in two Town Panchayats – Sanctioned of Rs.30,00,000/- as grant – Orders Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - Part II Scheme for the year 2012-13 – Construction of 4 Sanitary Complex in 3 Town Panchayats – Sanctioned of expenditure Rs.40,00,000/- as grant – Orders Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - Part II Scheme for the year 2012-13 – Purchase of Computers for Town Panchayat offices(529), Assistant Director of Town Panchayats(16) and Directorate of Town Panchayats (10) – Sanctioned of Rs.1,95,00,000/- as grant – Orders Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - Part II Scheme for the year 2012-13 – Road, Drain and Bridge works in 3 Town Panchayats – Sanctioned of Rs.1,88,00,000/- as grant – Order Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - Part II Scheme for the year 2012-13 – Construction of Shopping Complex and Market improvement in 3 Town Panchayats – Sanctioned of expenditure Rs.39,00,000/- as grant – Order Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - Part II Scheme for the year 2012-13 – Construction of Slaughter House at weekly in Mudukulathur Town Panchayat, Ramanathapuram District – Sanctioned of Rs.20,00,000/- as grant – Order Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - Part II Scheme for the year 2012-13 – Improvement of existing water supply schemes in 7 Town Panchayats – Sanctioned of expenditure Rs.1,43,00,000/- – Orders Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - Part II Scheme for the year 2012-13 – To improve the infrastructure facilities in bus stand in 3 Town Panchayat – Sanction of Rs.70,00,000/- as grant – Order Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - Part II Scheme for the year 2012-13 – Construction of 10 New Office Building for Town Panchayats – Sanctioned of Rs.3,17,00,000/- as grant – Order Issued.
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA 3) Department - Part II Scheme – 2012 – 2013 – Construction of new Modern Gasifier Crematorium in the 5 Municipalities – Sanction of Rs. 200,00,000/- as grant – Orders – Issued