Total Found (GO’s): 2304. |
GO Number |
Date |
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G.O. (D) No. 252 |
10-05-2023 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.3) Department - Establishment - Post of Executive Engineer - Panel for the year 2022-2023 - Promotion and Posting of Executive Engineers - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms.). No.60 |
08-05-2023 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (SS & FC) Department - Namakku Naame Thittam - Guidelines Issued for the implementation of the scheme - Minimum Public contribution for Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes areas to be 1/5th - Amendment - Issued. |
G.O. (D) No. 242 |
04-05-2023 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.3) Department - Establishment - Post of Superintending Engineer - Panel for the Year 2022 - 2023 - Promotion and Postings - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (D) No. 241 |
04-05-2023 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.3) Department - Establishment - Post of Chief Engineer - Panel for the year 2022-2023 - Promotion and Postings and Transfer and Postings - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (D) No. 235 |
28-04-2023 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.3) Department - Establishment - Executive Engineer - Transfer and Postings - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (D) No. 234 |
28-04-2023 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA.3) Department - Nagarpura Salai Mempattu Thittam - Improvement of roads - Projects in Greater Chennai Corporation, other Corporations and Municipalities for the financial year 2022-23 and 2023-24 - Approved by Project Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee - Administrative sanction - Accorded - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. Ms. No. 375 |
26-12-2022 |
Finance (Salaries) Department - Finance Department - Loss of Government money - Write off - Enhancement of monetary limit - Orders - Issued. |
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண்.174 |
14-12-2022 |
நகராட்சி நிருவாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (நநி.5(1)) துறை - நகராட்சி நிருவாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் துறை - பாழடைந்த கட்டடங்கள் - மாநகராட்சிகள்/நகராட்சிகள் பொறுப்பிலுள்ள பாழடைந்த கட்டடங்களை இடிப்பதற்கு வழிகாட்டு நெறிமுறைகள் உருவாக்குதல் - ஆணை - வெளியிடப்படுகிறது.
G.O. (Ms). No. 173 |
08-12-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department - Construction of new bus stands with the financial assistance from Infrastructure and Amenities Fund in Tiruppur and Hosur Corporations; and Guddalur (T), Ariyalur, Vadalur, Vedaranyam, Melur, Pattukottai, Colachel and Pollachi Municipalities - Administrative Sanction - Accorded - Order Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No.159 |
08-11-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation 2.0 - Water Supply projects for 11 Municipalities and 79 Town Panchayats - 90 projects at a total appraised project cost of Rs.1,616.54 crore - Approved in the 4th meeting of the State High Powered Steering Committee held on 14.09.2022 - Administrative orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No.160 |
08-11-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation 2.0 - Development of green spaces / parks in 3 Town Panchayats and 35 Municipalities - 38 projects at a total appraised project cost of Rs.12.33 crore - Approved in the 4th meeting of the State High Powered Steering Committee held on 14.09.2022 - Administrative orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 195 |
05-11-2022 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(1)] Department - Rules - Framing of Rules for Streamline the enforcement action on Unauthorized Development under section 56, 57 and 80(A) of Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Notification - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 158 |
02-11-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC.4) Department - Corporations and Municipalities (except Greater Chennai Corporation) - Engineering Works - Appointment of Tender Inviting Authorities, Tender Accepting Authorities, Administrative Authorities, Technical Sanction Authorities and Measurement and Check Measurement Authorities - Revision of Monetary limit of authorities - Sanction accorded - Orders - Issued. |
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண்.152 |
20-10-2022 |
நகராட்சி நிருவாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (மா.ந.7) துறை - பணியமைப்பு - தமிழ்நாட்டிலுள்ள 20 மாநகராட்சிகள் (பெருநகர சென்னை மாநகராட்சி நீங்கலாக) - மக்கள் தொகைக்கேற்ப அளவுகோல் நிர்ணயம் செய்தல் - ஒரே சீரான புதிய பணியிடங்களை தோற்றுவித்தல் - ஏற்கெனவே உள்ள பணியிடங்களை மறுசீரமைத்தல் மற்றும் முறைப்படுத்துதல் - ஆணை - வெளியிடப்படுகிறது. |
G. O. (Ms) No. 113 |
18-10-2022 |
Human Resource Management (Trg.III) Department - Training - Tamil Nadu State Training Policy, 2022 - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No.149 |
18-10-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Urban Local Bodies - Guideline for Implementation of the special campaign, Peoples Movement for Clean Cities - amendment - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No.146 |
14-10-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - State Urban Infrastructure Development Fund - Providing loan for an amount of Rs.155.56 crore to the project - Conversion of existing street lights into energy efficient LED lights in 439 Town Panchayats under State Urban Infrastructure Development Fund - Approved by the State Level Sanctioning Committee at its first meeting held on 20.07.2022 - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No.147 |
14-10-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - State Urban Infrastructure Development Fund - Providing loan for an amount of Rs.115.60 crore under State Urban Infrastructure Development Fund for Implementation of Underground Sewerage Scheme project to Madipakkam - Approved by the State Level Sanctioning Committee at its first meeting held on 20.07.2022 - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No.145 |
14-10-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - State Urban Infrastructure Development Fund - Providing loan for an amount of Rs.342.85 crore to the project - Conversion of existing street lights into energy efficient LED lights in 8 City Municipal Corporations and 76 Municipalities and Rs.8.00 crore for providing new energy efficient LED lights in 11 Municipalities under State Urban Infrastructure Development Fund - Approved by the State Level Sanctioning Committee at its first meeting held on 20.07.2022 - Permission accorded - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No.144 |
14-10-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - State Urban Infrastructure Development Fund (SUIDF) - Providing a loan of Rs.159.98 crore to Tiruchirappalli City Municipal Corporation for the Construction of Integrated Bus Terminus and other infrastructure at Panjappur - Approved by State Level Sanctioning Committee at its first meeting held on 20.07.2022 - permission accorded - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 139 |
03-10-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.1) Department - Town Panchayats - Implementation of Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 in Town Panchayats - Maintenance of Street Light System - Water Supply System - Underground Sewerage System - through - Service Provider / Agency / Contractor based on key performance indicators - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 456 |
20-09-2022 |
Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Revenue Administration Wing, RA.2(1) Section - Cattle Pound - Impounding of cattle in cattle pound - Revision of fine amount - Orders Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 167 |
12-09-2022 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(1)] Department - Urban Development - Development by Central / State / Local Government Departments - Obtaining Planning Clearance Prior to Commencement of development from the concerned Planning Authorities - Formulation of Guidelines - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No.127 |
09-09-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation 2.0 - Constitution of the State-level Task Force and City-level Task Force on 24x7 Water Supply projects under Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation 2.0 - Approved in the 3rd meeting of the State High Powered Steering Committee held on 27.06.2022 - Sanctioned - Accorded - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 126 |
09-09-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation 2.0 - Water Supply projects for 14 Town Panchayats at a total appraised projects cost of Rs.234.15 crore - Approved in the 3rd meeting of the State High Powered Steering Committee held on 27.06.2022 - Administrative sanction accorded - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 125 |
09-09-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation 2.0 (AMRUT 2.0) - Underground sewerage Scheme projects for 3 Corporations and Water Supply projects for 8 Municipalities at a total appraised projects cost of Rs.1,320.84 crore - Approved in the 3rd meeting of the State High Powered Steering Committee held on 27.06.2022 - Administrative sanction - Accorded - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 124 |
09-09-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation 2.0 - Water Supply and Under Ground Sewerage Scheme projects of the Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and sewerage Board - Approved in the 3rd meeting of the State High Powered Steering Committee held on 27.06.2022 - Administrative sanction for Rs.792.17 crore - accorded - orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 123 |
09-09-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation 2.0 - Development of Green Spaces / Parks in Various Municipal Corporations, Municipalities and Town Panchayats - 205 projects at an appraised project cost of Rs.60.39 crore - Approved in the 3rd meeting of the State High Powered Steering Committee held on 27.06.2022 - Administrative sanction - accorded - orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 122 |
09-09-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation 2.0 - Rejuvenation of Water Bodies in various Municipal Corporations, Municipalities and Town Panchayats - 181 projects at a total appraised project cost of Rs.134.00 crore - Approved in the 3rd meeting of the State High Powered Steering Committee held on 27.06.2022 - Administrative sanction - accorded - Orders - Issued. |
G. O. (Ms). No. 113 |
17-08-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.3) Department - Underground Sewerage System - Urban Local Bodies - Operation and Maintenance of Underground Sewerage System system through Service Provider / Agency / Contractor based on Key Performance Indicators - Order - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 112 |
17-08-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.3) Department - Water Supply System - Urban Local Bodies - Operation and maintenance of water supply system through Service Provider / Agency / Contractor based on Key Performance Indicators - Order - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 111 |
17-08-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.3) Department - Street Lighting System - Urban Local Bodies - Sustainable Operation and Maintenance of Street Light System through Service Provider / Agency / Contractor based on Key Performance Indicators - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (D). No. 290 |
11-08-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA.IV) Department - Award - Presentation of the Honorable Chief Minister Award to best performing Municipal Corporation and the best performing three Municipalities with a citation - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 141 |
16-07-2022 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(1)] Department - Urban Development - Simplification of procedure for approval of layout - Development of infrastructure works - Permitted to be carried out by the developers - Revised order - Issued. |
G.O. (Rt.). No. 139 |
28-06-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.1) Department - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Municipal Commissioners Service - Joint Directors of Municipal Administration - Transfer and Postings - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 93 |
24-06-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (Election) Department - Rules - Urban Local Bodies - Ward Committee and Area Sabha - Nomination of Secretary and Their functions and duties - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 92 |
24-06-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (Election) Department - Rules - The Tamil Nadu Urban Local Bodies (Ward Committee and Area Sabha) Rules, 2022 - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 89 |
17-06-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Mega City Programme - Transformation of Metropolitan Infrastructure Development Fund (MIDF) as State Urban Infrastructure Development Fund (SUIDF) and expanding its scope for financing Urban Local Bodies in the State - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 83 |
07-06-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013 (Central Act 25 of 2013) - Enhancement of compensation amount to the legal heirs of the victims of sewerage / septic tanks works in case of death from Rs.10 lakh to Rs.15 lakh, and for subsequent enhancement at the rate of Rs.1.5 lakh once in every three years - Orders - Issued. |
அரசாணை (ப) எண். 176 |
06-06-2022 |
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (மாந1) துறை - பணியமைப்பு - தமிழ்நாடு மா நராட்சி மற்றும் நகராட்சி - பொறியாளர்கள் / நகரமைப்பு அலுவலர்கள் - பணியிட மாறுதல் - ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 79 |
02-06-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Urban Local Bodies - Guideline for implementation of the special campaign, Peoples Movement for clean Cities and the Cleanliness Pledge - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 73 |
13-05-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department - Kalaignar Nagarpura Mempattu Thittam (KNMT) for the financial year 2021-22 - 67 works of Roads, Rejuvenation of Water Bodies, Parks and Crematorium projects of Municipalities and 2 works of Rejuvenation of Water Bodies of Town Panchayats at a total approved project cost of Rs.5,275.88 lakh (KNMT Share : Rs.5,275.88 lakh) - Approved by the Project Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee in its 10th meeting held on 11.04.2022 - Administrative Sanction - Accorded - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (D). No. 64 |
02-05-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project - Mapping of properties and utilities for developing Municipal Information System using Geographical Information System (GIS) Technology in 14 Urban Local Bodies at an estimated cost of Rs.9.58 crore - Administrative sanction accorded - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (D). No. 62 |
28-04-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Singara Chennai 2.0 - Revised Administrative Sanction for Neelankaral Water supply project at a cost of Rs.6,667.11 lakh and Administrative Sanction for Anna Main Road Sewer Pumping main works in area X of Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board at a cost of Rs.1,103.87 lakh - Accorded - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 56 |
18-04-2022 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD-3(2)] Department - Urban Development - Automated Building Plan Approval System / Single Window Approval - GO live permission for first phase of Single Window Online System in Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority and Director of Town and Country Planning - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 52 |
30-03-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA.IV) Department - Property Tax - General Revision of property tax in all Municipalities and Town Panchayats - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (D). No. 105 |
29-03-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - Surcharge on Stamp Duty - Pooling of the fund at the State Level and Apportionment to the TURIF and Town Panchayats - Release of fund for the quarter ending 30.09.2021 - orders - Issued. |
அரசாணை (ப) எண். 86 |
11-03-2022 |
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (பேரூ.2) துறை - பேரூராட்சி நிர்வாகம் - 2021-22 - மூலதன மானிய நிதி திட்டத்தின் கீழ் தேர்வு செய்யப்பட்ட பணிகளில் ரூ.3.00 கோடிக்கு மேல் உள்ள பணிகளுக்கு உரிய நிர்வாக அனுமதி அளித்து - ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது |
G.O. (Ms). No. 42 |
04-03-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS.1) Department - Jal Jeevan Mission - Implementation of 5 new Multi Village Schemes (MVS) at a total project cost of Rs.1,473.16 crore under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) - Administrative sanction - Accorded - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (D). No. 65 |
01-03-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - Town Panchayats - Strengthening of 192 road Works in 147 Town Panchayats in 31 Districts and Construction of 11 Bridge works in 7 Town Panchayats in 6 districts at a cost of Rs.200.70 crore under NABARD RIDF - XXVII for the year 2021-22 - Release amount of Rs.56,81,000/- crore - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 27 |
09-02-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (Election) Department - Holiday - Holiday on Poll day for Ordinary Elections to the Urban Local Bodies, 2022 - Declaration of Holiday on the date of Poll 19.02.2022 (Saturday) as Holiday - Notified. |
G.O. (D). No. 28 |
25-01-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - Town Panchayats - National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) - RIDF XXVII for the year 2021-2022 - Improvement and Strengthening of roads and Construction of Minor Bridges in Town Panchayats - Administrative Sanction - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 12 |
17-01-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (Election) Department - Ordinary Elections - Ordinary Elections to Urban Local Bodies, 2022 - Offices of Chairman of Municipalities - Reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes (Including Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Women) and Women (General) - Notified. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 11 |
17-01-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (Election) Department - Ordinary Elections - Ordinary Elections to Urban Local Bodies, 2022 - Offices of Chairman of Municipalities - Reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes (Including Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Women) and Women (General) - Notified. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 10 |
17-01-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (Election) Department - Ordinary Elections - Ordinary Elections to Urban Local Bodies, 2022 - Office of Mayor of Corporations - Reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Women - Notified. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 07 |
11-01-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Government of India sponsored Swachh Bharat Mission - Urban 2.0 (SBM 2.0) - Implementation in Tamil Nadu - Administrative Sanction - Accorded - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 06 |
10-01-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (Elec.) Department - Ordinary Elections, 2022 - Reservation of Seats for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Women belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Women (General) in newly constituted 28 Municipalities - Notified. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 05 |
10-01-2022 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department - Rules - The Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats, Municipalities and Corporations (Delimitation of Wards or Divisions and Reservations) Rules, 1996 - Amendments - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 127 |
16-12-2021 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (Election) Department - Councillors - Fixing the number of Councillors to be elected to the Councils of the newly constituted City Municipal Corporation of Sivakasi, Tambaram, expanded City Municipal Corporation of Nagercoil and 28 Municipalities - Orders - Issued. |
அரசாணை (ப) எண். 464 |
10-12-2021 |
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (மாந.3) துறை - பணியமைப்பு - திரு. லோ. ரகுநாதன், வருவாய் உதவியாளர், காஞ்சிபுரம் மாநகராட்சி - ஆவடி மாநகராட்சியில் வரிவசூலராக அயற்பணி அடிப்படையில் பணியிட மாறுதல் - ஆணை - வெளியிடப்படுகிறது. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 121 |
07-12-2021 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (Elec.) Department - Ordinary Elections, 2021 - Reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Women belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Women in 24 Municipalities of nine newly reconstituted districts of Kancheepuram, Chengalpattu, Tirunelveli, Tenkasi, Vellore, Ranipet, Tirupathur, Villupuram and Kallakurichi and Amendments to Nagapattinam District - Notified. |
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண். 116 |
07-12-2021 |
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (தேர்தல்) துறை - திருவள்ளூர் மாவட்டம் - பொன்னேரி, திருநின்றவூர், கடலூர் மாவட்டம் - திட்டக்குடி, வடலூர், தஞ்சாவூர் மாவட்டம் - அதிராம்பட்டிணம், தூத்துக்குடி மாவட்டம் - திருச்செந்தூர், கோயம்புத்தூர் மாவட்டம் - கருமத்தம்பட்டி, காரமடை, கூடலூர், மதுக்கரை, கரூர் மாவட்டம் - பள்ளப்பட்டி மற்றும் திருப்பூர் மாவட்டம் - திருமுருகன்பூண்டி ஆகிய பன்னிரெண்டு பேரூராட்சிகளை நகராட்சிகளாக அமைத்துருவாக்கலாம் என்ற உத்தேச முடிவை உறுதி செய்தல் மற்றும் மேற்படி பன்னிரெண்டு (12) பேரூராட்சிகளை நகராட்சிகளாக அறிவித்தல் (Declared as Municipalities) - ஆணைகள் - வெளியிடப்படுகிறது.
G.O. (Rt) No. 151 |
20-11-2021 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.1) Department - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Municipal Commissioners Service - Joint Director of Municipal Administration - Transfer and Posting - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Rt) No. 149 |
20-11-2021 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.1) Department - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Municipal Commissioners Service - Joint Director of Municipal Administration - Transfer and Posting - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms) No. 99 |
12-11-2021 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (NS) Department - Kalaignar Nagarpura Mempattu Thittam (KNMT) - 2021-22 - Roads and Daily/Weekly market to be implemented in Town Panchayats and lake / Pond Rejuvenation to be implemented in Corporation/Municipalities - Approved by Project Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee at its third meeting held on 03.11.2021 - Total Works - 494 - Total Cost - Rs. 24, 181.58 lakh - Administrative Sanction - Accorded - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (2D) No. 47 |
09-11-2021 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.I) Department - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Municipal Commissioners Service - Certain Special Grade Municipal Commissioners - Promotion as Joint Director of Municipal Administration temporarily - Orders - Issued. |
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண். 81 |
14-10-2021 |
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (தேர்தல்) துறை - திருவள்ளூர் மாவட்டம் - பொன்னேரி, திருநின்றவூர், கடலூர் மாவட்டம் - திட்டக்குடி, வடலூர், தஞ்சாவூர் மாவட்டம் - அதிராம்பட்டிணம், தூத்துக்குடி மாவட்டம் - திருச்செந்தூர், கோயம்புத்தூர் மாவட்டம் - கருமத்தம்பட்டி, காரமடை, கூடலூர், மதுக்கரை, கரூர் மாவட்டம் - பள்ளப்பட்டி மற்றும் திருப்பூர் மாவட்டம் - திருமுருகன்பூண்டி ஆகிய 12 பேரூராட்சிகளை நகராட்சிகளாக அமைத்துருவாக்குதல் - உத்தேச முடிவு - ஆணைகள் - வெளியிடப்படுகிறது. |
G.O. (Ms) No. 71 |
13-09-2021 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (NS) Department - Announcement - Implementation of Namakku Naame Thittam (Urban) - Guidelines - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms) No. 70 |
13-09-2021 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (NS) Department - Announcement - Implementation of Kalaignar Nagarpura Mempattu Thittam (KNMT) - Guidelines - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms) No. 69 |
13-09-2021 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (NS) Department - Announcement - The Tamil Nadu Urban Employment Scheme - Guidelines - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms.) No. 96 |
28-07-2021 |
Housing and Urban Development (HBA) Department - House Building Advance - Tamil Nadu Housing Board – Own Your Housing Scheme – House Building Advance sanctioned to Government Servants and All India Service Officers for the purchase of flats under Own Your Housing Scheme – Sanction of Additional House Building Advance – Amendments – Orders – Issued. |
G.O. (Rt) No. 81 |
19-07-2021 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.1) - Joint Director of Municipal Administration - Transfer and Postings - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms). No. 36 |
19-04-2021 |
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION & WATER SUPPLY (ME.1) DEPARTMENT - Establishment Annual contribution payable by all the Urban Local Bodies (including Greater Chennai Corporation) to Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban
Studies, Coimbatore Enhancement Orders Issued. |
Letter (Ms) No. 73 |
11-03-2021 |
Housing and Urban Development Department - Loans and Advances House Building Advance - Migration of home loans taken by the Government servants from Banks / other Financial Institutions to House Building Advance - Guidelines and amendment to Rule 3 of State Rules to Regulate the Grant of Advances to Government Servants for Building Etc., of Houses - Further instructions - Reg. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 40 |
26-02-2021 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(1) Department - Rules – Tamil Nadu Regularisation of Unapproved Layouts and Plots Rules, 2017-under section 113 read with section 122 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 – Amendment to Rules – Notification – Issued. |
G.O. (Rt) No. 25 |
19-02-2021 |
Housing and Urban Development (OP1-2) Department - Housing and Urban Development Department – Appointment of Grievance Redressal Officer under Section 23(1) of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 – Thiru.S.Veeramani, Additional Secretary to Government - Appointed as Grievance Redressal Officer – Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 36 |
17-02-2021 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(1) Department - Rules – Regularisation of the Tamil Nadu Unapproved Layouts and Plots Rules, 2017 - under section 113 read with section 122 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 – Amendment to the Rules – Notification – Issued. |
G.O. (Ms.) No. 26 |
02-02-2021 |
Housing and Urban Development (HBA.) Department - Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Migration of home loans taken by the Government servants from Banks / other Financial Institutions to House Building Advance - Guidelines and amendment to Rule 3 of State Rules to Regulate the Grant of Advances to Government Servants for Building Etc., of Houses - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms.) No. 25 |
02-02-2021 |
Housing and Urban Development (HBA.) Department - House Building Advance - Tamil Nadu Housing Board - Own Your Housing Scheme - House Building Advance sanctioned to Government Servants and All India Service Officers for the purchase of flats under Own Your Housing Scheme - Sanction of Additional House Building Advance - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 24 |
02-02-2021 |
Housing and Urban Development (HBA.) Department - Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Enhancement of ceiling of House Building Advance from Rs. 40.00 lakhs to Rs. 60.00 lakhs for All India Service Officers and from Rs. 25.00 lakhs to Rs. 40.00 lakhs for State Government Employees - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms) No. 17 |
29-01-2021 |
Housing and Urban Development [(SC-1(2)] Department - Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board - Amendment to G.O.(Ms). No.135, Housing and Urban Development [SC-1(2)] Department, dated 21.07.2017 Opening of New Head of Account to draw funds from Shelter Fund - Orders Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 01 |
05-01-2021 |
Housing and Urban Development [(UD4(1)] Department - Rules – The Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning (Levy of Infrastructure and Amenities Charges) Rules,2008–Amendments to Rules - Notification – Issued. |
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண். 148 |
31-12-2020 |
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (தேர்தல்) துறை - சிவகாசி நகராட்சி - விரிவாக்கம் - திருத்தங்கல் நகராட்சியினை இணைத்தல் - ஆணைகள் - வெளியிடப்படுகிறது |
G.O. (Ms) No. 191 |
30-12-2020 |
Housing and Urban Development [(UD4(2)] Department - Local Planning Area – Erode – Declaration under sub-section (4) of section 10 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972) – Existing rules and regulations made under Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 applicable to Erode Local Planning Area – Applicable to areas now included in Erode Local Planning Area – Notification under section 10(6) of the Act – Direction to Erode Local Planning Authority under section 92 of the Act – Orders Issued. |
G.O. (Ms.) No.181 |
09-12-2020 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(1)] Department - Urban Development - Tamil Nadu Combined Development and Building Rules (TNCDBR), 2019 - Process of simplification in granting approval for Layout / Sub-division - Orders issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.154 |
13-10-2020 |
Housing and Urban Development (UD4(3) Department - Urban Development - Delegation of Powers to Local Bodies - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms). No.471 |
22-09-2020 |
Public (Law Officers) Department - Census 2021 - Extension of Freezing of Boundaries of Administrative Units and ban on formation new units during the period of Census Operations upto 31st December 2020 - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.87 |
19-08-2020 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC-5) Department - Tamil Nadu Municipal Corporations General Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 - Amendments - Issued. |
G.O.(D). No.623 |
09-07-2020 |
Health and Family Welfare (L2) Department - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Public Health Service - Filling up of the post of Deputy Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (Category 2 - Deputy Director of Health Services Grade-I) by promotion - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.). No.74 |
07-07-2020 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.1) Department - Establishment - Thiru. R. Ganapathy, Typist (Retired), Ramanathapuram Municipality and 17 Typists who have completed 18 years if regular service in various Municipalities - Promotion as Typist Grade-I - permission accorded - Orders - Issued. |
G. O. (Ms) No.82 |
23-06-2020 |
Housing and Urban Development [(SC-1(2)] Department - Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board - Implementation of the World Bank financed Tamil Nadu Housing Habitat Development Project and the first Tamil Nadu Housing Sector the Strengthening Programme - Administrative Sanction - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (D) No.141 |
23-04-2020 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA.IV) Department - Urban Local Bodies - Taxes and dues - Lock down due to Novel Corona Virus (Covid-19) - Deferment of payment for three months till 30.06.2020 - Order - Issued. |
G.O. Ms.No.33 |
21-04-2020 |
Finance (TFR) Department - COVID-19 - Relief Operations - Sanction of Chief Ministers Special Incentive to certain categories of employees for the month of April, 2020 - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 66 |
30-03-2020 |
Housing and Urban Development [(UD4(3)] Department - Rules - The Tamil Nadu Regularisation of Unapproved Layouts and Plots in Hill Areas Rules, 2020 - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms) No. 64 |
20-03-2020 |
Housing and Urban Development [(SC-1(2)] Department - Housing - World Bank financed Tamil Nadu Housing Sector Strengthening Program - Prior Action - Establishment of Housing Advisory Committee - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 61 |
18-03-2020 |
Housing and Urban Development [(SC-1(2)] Department - Housing - Announcement - Tamil Nadu Affordable Urban Housing and Habitat Policy - Formulated - Approved - orders - Issued. |
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண். 33 |
03-03-2020 |
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (மாந.6) துறை - பணியமைப்பு - வேலூர் மாநகராட்சி - உதவி வருவாய் அலுவலர் - புதியதாக நான்கு பணியிடங்கள் தோற்றுவித்தல் - ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது |
G.O.(Ms) No. 37 |
24-02-2020 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Rules - Tamil Nadu Transfer of Development Rights Rules, 2019 under section 35-A of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Amendments - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms) No. 36 |
21-02-2020 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(2)] Department - Cancellation of the notification declaring 45 villages of Nagapattinam and Cuddalore Districts as a local planning area for constitution of petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Region (PCPIR) - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms) No.16 |
31-01-2020 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA1) Department - Rules - The Tamil Nadu Combined Development and Building Rules, 2019 - Amendment to Rules - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms) No. 31 |
31-01-2020 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Rules - Rules under section 63-D of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972) for levy of Shelter Charges - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms) No.18 |
23-01-2020 |
LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT (Q1) DEPARTMENT - Labour and Employment Department - Appointment on Compassionate Ground - Comprehensive Guidelines - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.197 |
24-12-2019 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Act - Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Second Amendment Act, 2018(Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 2018) - Coming into force - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.198 |
24-12-2019 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Rules - Tamil Nadu Transfer of Development Rights Rules, 2019 Under Section 35-A of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.195 |
20-12-2019 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Rules - Rules made under section 113-C of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 for Assessment and Collection of Amount for Exemption of Buildings, 2017 - Amendments to the Rule - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.196 |
20-12-2019 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Guidelines - Guidelines Under Section 113-C of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 for the Exemption of Buildings and Assessment and Collection of amount for Exemption, 2017 - Amendment to the Guidelines - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.150 |
19-11-2019 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA.IV) Department - Property Tax - General Revision of Property Tax - Constitution of a Committee to examine the representations for the General Revision of Property Tax and Withholding the existing Revision of Property Tax - Orders issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.430 |
12-11-2019 |
Revenue and Disaster Management Department - Revenue Administration - Jurisdiction - Trifurcation of Vellore District - Creation of Tirupathur and Ranipet new Districts - Orderes - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.431 |
12-11-2019 |
Revenue and Disaster Management Department - Revenue Administration - Jurisdiction - Trifurcation of Vellore District - Creation of Tirupathur and Ranipet new Districts - Ordered - Notification under Tamil Nadu District Limits Act, 1865 - Issued. |
G.O.(D). No.451 |
12-11-2019 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.1) Department - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Municipal Commissioners Service - Temporary promotion of certain Municipal Commissioner, Grade I as Selection Grade Municipal Commissioners - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(D). No.441 |
04-11-2019 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.1) Department - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Municipal Commissioners Service - Special Grade Municipal Commissioners - Temporary promotion as Joint Directors and transfer amongst Joint Directors - Orders - Issued. |
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண்.140 |
29-10-2019 |
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (நப.1) துறை - பணியமைப்பு - நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் - நகராட்சிகளுடன் இணைக்கப்பட்ட ஊராட்சிகளின் 25 ஊராட்சி செயலாளர்களை அந்தந்த நகராட்சிகளில் பதிவுரு எழுத்தர்களாக ஈர்த்துக் கொள்வது - ஆணை - வெளியிடப்படுகிறது.
G.O. (Ms) No. 113 |
30-08-2019 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply [MA-V(2)] Department - Municipalities - Classification of Municipalities - Norms - fixed - Revised orders - Issued. |
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண்.110 |
21-08-2019 |
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (ந.நி.1) துறை - உள்ளாட்சி அமைப்புகள் - 2500 சதுர அடி பரப்பளவிற்கு மேற்படாத நிலத்தில் 1200 சதுர அடி பரப்பளவிற்குள் கட்டப்படும் குடியிருப்பு கட்டடங்கள் - கள ஆய்வு இன்றி எளிய முறையில் ஆவணங்களின் அடிப்படையில் இணையதளம் வாயிலாக கட்டட அனுமதி மற்றும் திட்ட அனுமதி வழங்குவது குறித்து - ஆணைகள் - வெளியிடப்படுகின்றன.
G.O.(Ms.) No.89 |
21-06-2019 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Rules - Rules made under section 113-C of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 for Tamil Nadu Assessment and Collection of Amount for Exemption of Buildings Rules, 2017 - Amendment to the Rule - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.90 |
21-06-2019 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Guidelines - Guidelines made under section 113-C of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 for the Exemption of Buildings and Assessment and Collection of amount for Exemption Rules, 2017 - Amendment to the Guidelines - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.86 |
14-06-2019 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD1(2)] Department - Town Planning - Business Reforms Action Plan - 2019 - Risk Based Classification - Delegation of Powers for Site Inspection in Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority, DTCP and Local bodies - Orders Issued. |
G.O.(Rt) No.73 |
30-04-2019 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME-1) Department - Establishment - Dr.C.N.Mahesvaran, I.A.S., Managing Director, TWAD Board is Placed to Hold Full Additional Charge of the Post of Director, Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies, Coimbatore - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.Rt.No.1740 |
22-04-2019 |
Public (Special-A) Department - Leave - Extension - Vijayakarthikeyan, IAS (Dr.) K. - Notified. |
G.O.(Rt) No.42 |
06-03-2019 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.1) Department - Establishment - Dr.C.N.Mahesvaran, I.A.S., Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board is placed to hold full additional charge of the post of Director, Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies, Coimbatore - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms) No. 50 |
06-03-2019 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply [MA.V(2)] Department - Upgradation - Dharmapuri Selection Grade Municipality Classified as Special Grade Municipality - Ordered - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms) No. 51 |
06-03-2019 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply [MA-V(2)] Department - Upgradation - Ramanathapuram First Grade Municipality - Classified as Special Grade Municipality - Ordered - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms) No.49 |
06-03-2019 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply [MA.V(2)] Department - Upgradation - Krishnagiri First Grade Municipality - Classified as Special Grade Municipality - Ordered-Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.40 |
28-02-2019 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (Election) Department - Hosur City Municipal Corporation Act, 2019 (Tamil Nadu Act 10 of 2019) - Coming into force - Delegation of powers to the Commissioner of Municipal Corporation for Delimitation of Wards and reservations - Notification - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.41 |
28-02-2019 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (Election) Department - Nagercoil City Municipal Corporation Act, 2019 (Tamil Nadu Act 11 of 2019) - Coming into force - Delegation of powers to the Commissioner of Municipal Corporation for Delimitation of Wards and reservations - Notification - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.36 |
22-02-2019 |
Housing and Urban Development (HB4) Department - Rules - the Tamil Nadu Regulation of Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants Rules, 2019 - Framing of Rules under section 45(1) of the Tamil Nadu Regulation of Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants Act, 2017 (Tamil Nadu Act 42 of 2017) - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.35 |
22-02-2019 |
Housing and Urban Development (HB4) Department - Act - The Tamil Nadu Regulation of Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants Act, 2017 (Tamil Nadu Act 42 of 2017), The Tamil Nadu Regulation of Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants (Amendment) Act, 2018 (Tamil Nadu Act 39 of 2018) - Notification by the Government as per sub-section (3) of section 1 of the Tamil Nadu Regulation of Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants Act, 2017 (Tamil Nadu Act 42 of 2017) - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.24 |
08-02-2019 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD-1(2)] Department - Urban Development - Implementation of Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 - Appointment of Members of Tamil Nadu Real Estate Appellate Tribunal - Ordered - Notified. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.23 |
08-02-2019 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD-1(2)] Department - Urban Development - Implementation of Real Estate (regulation and Development) Act, 2016 - Constitution of Tamil Nadu Real Estate Regulatory Authority - Appointment of Chairperson and Members of Tamil Nadu Real Estate - Authority - Ordered - Notified. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.21 |
05-02-2019 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Rules - Regularisation of Unapproved Plots and Layouts Rules, 2017 under section 113 read with section 122 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Amendment to the Rules - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.18 |
04-02-2019 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA.1) Department - Rules - Framing of the Tamil Nadu Combined Development and Building Rules, 2019 - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(D) No.22 |
23-01-2019 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.1) Department - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Municipal Commissioners Service - Tmt.G.Dhanalakshmi, Special Grade Municipal Commissioner, Deputy Director, Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies - Temporary promotion as Joint Director and posted as Joint Director in the Office of the Commissioner of Municipal Administration - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Rt.) No.43 |
18-01-2019 |
Health and Family Welfare (L2) Department - Tamil Nadu Public Health Service - Extension of deputation of Dr.P.Aruna, Deputy Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine Grade-II - Deputed as Faculty (Public Health), Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies, Coimbatore - Extension of deputation for a further period of one year (third year) with effect from 19.12.2018 - Sanctioned - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.11 |
16-01-2019 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD3(2)] Department - Housing and Urban Development Department - Chennai Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority Act, 2010 (Tamil Nadu Act 44 of 2010) - Framing of Rules - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.10 |
16-01-2019 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD3(2)] Department - Act - The Chennai Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority Act, 2010 (Tamil Nadu Act 44 of 2010) - Coming into force - Notification - Issued. |
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண். 126 |
28-11-2018 |
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (மாந.2) துறை - தமிழ்நாட்டில் உள்ள அனைத்து மாநகராட்சிகள் மற்றும் நகராட்சிகளில் உள்ள அனைத்து வீடுகளுக்கும் வீட்டுக் குடிநீர் இணைப்புகள் மற்றும் பாதாள சாக்கடை வீட்டு இணைப்புகள் வழங்குதல் - ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது
Letter No.21803/FC/2018-2 |
07-11-2018 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (FC) Department - Fifty State Finance Commission Recommendations - Release of first and second installments of Special Grant to Tamil Nadu Institute of urban Studies (TNIUS), Coimbatore - Regarding. |
G.O.(Ms.) No. 152 |
01-11-2018 |
Housing and Urban Development (UD1) Department - Urban Development - CMA - Certain variation to Development Regulations 25,26,27,28 and 36 of Second Master Plan for CMA, 2026 - Amendment - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.147 |
26-10-2018 |
Housing and Urban Development (UD1) Department - Urban Development – Chennai Metropolitan Area – Certain variation to Development Regulations 25, 26, 27, 28 and 36 of Second Master Plan for CMA, 2026 – Orders – Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.148 |
26-10-2018 |
Housing and Urban Development (UD1) Department - Urban Development - Commissioner of Town and Country Planning Certain Variation to Development Control Regulation 3(3), 4(3)C, 5(2)D, 6 and 6B(2) - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.144 |
24-10-2018 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD(3)] Department - Rules - The Tamil Nadu Regularisation of Unapproved Layouts and Plots Rules, 2017 framed under section 113 read with section 122 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Amendment to the Rules - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.224 |
05-10-2018 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.1) Department - Establishment - Dr.C.N.Mahesvaran, I.A.S., Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board is placed to hold full additional charge of the post of Director, Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies, Coimbatore - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.88 |
31-08-2018 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA3) Department - Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department - In Principle approval for creation of 49 numbers of Faecal Sludge and Septage Management (FSSM) treatment facility to cover 51 Municipalities and 59 Town Panchayats - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.116 |
10-08-2018 |
Housing and Urban Development (UD1) Department - Urban Development - Chennai Metropolitan Area - Certain variation to Annexure-IX relating to Development Regulations of Second Master Plan for Chennai Metropolitan Area, 2026 - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.76 |
26-07-2018 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA-IV) Department - Property Tax - General Revision of Property Tax in the Urban Local Bodies - Orders Issued in G.O.(MS) No.73, Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department, Dated 19-07-2018. - Amendment to the Government Order - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.103 |
24-07-2018 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD1(2)] Department - Urban Development - Implementation of Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 - Permission to Chairperson of Tamil Nadu Real Estate Appellate Tribunal to hear and dispose of appeals related to Union Territory of Puducherry filed under Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.73 |
19-07-2018 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA-IV) Department - Property Tax - General Revision of Property Tax in the Greater Chennai Corporation Municipal Corporations Municipalities and Town Panchayats - Orders Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No. 83 |
21-06-2018 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Guidelines - Guidelines Under Section 113-C of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 for the Exemption of Buildings and Assessment and Collection of amount for Exemption, 2017 - Amendment to the Guidelines - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.82 |
21-06-2018 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Rules - Rules Under Section 113 - C of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 for Assessment and Collection of Amount for Exemption of Buildings, 2017 - Amendments to the Rule - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.76 |
14-06-2018 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Guidelines - Concurrence for the buildings of the Educational Institutions constructed and functioning as Educational use buildings prior to 01.01.2011 in non-plan area - Guidelines - Issued. |
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண். 73 |
11-06-2018 |
பணியாளர் மற்றும் நிருவாகச் சீர்திருத்தத் (ஏ) துறை - தமிழ்நாடு அரசு அலுவலக நடைமுறை நூல் - அரசு அலுவலகங்களில் பெறப்படும் மனுக்கள் - குறைதீர் மனுக்கள் மீது நடவடிக்கை எடுப்பதற்கான நடைமுறைகள் - அறிவுறுத்தங்கள் வெளியிடப்பட்டது - அலுவலக நடைமுறை நூலில், அத்தியாயம் 22, பத்தி 167 பிரிவு (ii) - க்கு திருத்தங்கள் - ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது |
G.O.(Ms) No.51 |
23-05-2018 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC.2) Department - AMRUT 2017-2020 - Implementation of Water Supply Improvement Scheme to Madurai Corporation with source from Lower camp of Mullai Periyar Dam at a cost of Rs.1020.00 Crore - Administrative Sanction - accorded - orders issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.55 |
02-05-2018 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Rules - Regularisation of Unapproved Plots and Layouts Rules 2017 - Under Section 113 Read With Section 122 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act 1971 - Amendment to the Rules - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.53 |
16-04-2018 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Urban Development - Introduction of Provision for issue of Construction Continuance Certificate and Completion Certificate to all Category of Buildings Except Industrial Buildings and Residential Buildings upto 3 (three) Dwelling Units in the Areas Covered Under the Jurisdiction of Directorate of Town and Country Planning - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.46 |
10-04-2018 |
Housing and Urban Development (HBA) Department - Loans and Advances - Sanction of House Building Advance - Reduction of eligibility criteria for sanction of House Building Advance to 4 years - Orders - Amendment - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.35 |
20-03-2018 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Rules - Rules under section 113-C of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 for Assessment and Collection of Amount for Exemption of Buildings, 2017 - Amendment to the Rule - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.36 |
20-03-2018 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Guidelines - Guidelines under section 113-C of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 for the Exemption of Buildings and Assessment and Collection of amount for Exemption, 2017 - Amendment to the Guidelines - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.13 |
22-01-2018 |
Housing and Urban Development (UD1) Department - Urban Development - Chennai Metropolitan Planning Area - Inclusion of additional areas in Chennai Metropolitan Planning Area under clause (23-a) of section 2 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planing Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972) - Intention - Notified |
G.O.(Ms.) No.5 |
22-01-2018 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation 2016-17 Implementation of Under Ground Sewerage Scheme Phase-III to Trichirapalli, Tirunelveli & Vellore Corporations and Providing Under Ground Sewerage Scheme to Ambur and Rajapalayam Municipalities at a total estimated Cost of Rs.1458.64 crore - Administrative Sanction - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.201 |
22-12-2017 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD1(2)] Department - Urban Development - Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 - Constitution of Appellate Tribunal for Tamil Nadu and Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar with a Chairman and two Members - Appointment of Honble Justice Thiru.B.Rajendran, Judge (Retd.,) High Court, Madrass as Chairperson of Real Estate Appellate Tribunal for Tamil Nadu and Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar - Approved - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.199 |
21-12-2017 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Rules - Rules under section 113-C of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 for Assessment and Collection of Amount for Exemption of Buildings, 2017 - Amendment to the Rule - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.200 |
21-12-2017 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Guidelines - Guidelines under section 113-C of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 for the Exemption of Buildings and Assessment and Collection of amount for Exemption, 2017 - Amendment to the Guidelines - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.464 |
11-12-2017 |
Health and Family Welfare (N1) Department - Public Health and Preventive Medicine - Training - Multi Purpose Health Worker Scheme - Conduct of Multi Purpose Health Worker (Male) / Health Inspector / Sanitary Inspector Course by Private Institutions / Trust / Universities etc., - Fixation of Fee Structure - Orders - Issued. |
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண். 128 |
07-12-2017 |
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (மாந.2) துறை - பாதாள சாக்கடைத் திட்டம் - திண்டுக்கல் மாநகராட்சி - கழிவுநீர் சுத்திகரிப்பு நிலையம் அருகில் உள்ள காலி இடம் - சமூக காடுகள் வளர்த்தல், பாதாள சாக்கடை கழிவுநீரை சுத்திகரித்து வழங்குதல் மற்றும் திடக்கழிவு மேலாண்மை பணிக்காக 12 ஏக்கர் தனியார் இடத்தினை மாநகராட்சி தானமாக பெறுதல் - அனுமதி வழங்கி ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.180 |
01-11-2017 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.1) Department - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies - Thiru.Chandrakanth B.Kamble, I.A.S, Principal Secretary/Chairman and Managing Director, TUFIDCO - To hold full additional charge of the post of Director, Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies, Coimbatore - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.172 |
13-10-2017 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Rules - Regularisation of Unapproved Plots and Layouts Rules, 2017 - under section 113 read with section 122 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Amendments to the rules - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.360 |
12-10-2017 |
Health and Family Welfare (AB2) Department - Public Health - Vital Statistics - Revision of fee - Amendments to rules 9,10 and 13 of the Tamil Nadu Registration of Births and Deaths Rules, 2000 - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.351 |
09-10-2017 |
Health and Family Welfare (AB2) Department - The Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine and Chief Register of Births and Deaths, Tamil Nadu R.No.103032/State Bureau of Health Intelligence - II/S3/2016-1, dated 13.07.2017, 18.07.2017 and 05.09.2017. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.353 |
09-10-2017 |
Health and Family Welfare (AB2) Department - Public Health and Preventive Medicine - State Bureau of Health Intelligence - Appointment of Multipurpose Health Supervisor (Male)(formerly Health Inspector) as Births and Deaths Registrar for the Registration of Births and Deaths occurring in the Government District Head Quarters Hospitals and Government Medical College Hospitals, Taluk, Non-Taluk Hospitals Concerned in the State - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms) No.102 |
26-09-2017 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (Election) Department - Entertainment Tax - Remission of Entertainments Tax on cinematograph under Section 11(2)(1) of the Tamil Nadu Local Authorities Entertainments Tax Act, 2017 - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.115 |
22-06-2017 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD1(2)] Department - Urban Development - Implementation of Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 - Constitution of fund called Real Estate Regulatory Fund under section 75 of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 - Approved - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.114 |
22-06-2017 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD1(2)] Department - Urban Development - Implementation of Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 - Constitution of Real Estate Regulatory Authority for Tamil Nadu with Chairman and two Members - Appointment of Secretary to Government, Housing and Urban Development Department as Interim Real Estate Authority Regulator - Approved - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.113 |
22-06-2017 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD1(2)] Department - Urban Development - Implementation of Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 - Constitution of Selection Committee to suggest candidates for appointment to the post of Chairman and Members of Real Estate Regulatory Authority and Real Estate Appellate Tribunal of Tamilnadu - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.112 |
22-06-2017 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD1(2)] Department - Urban Development - Implementation of Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 - Tamil Nadu Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Rules, 2017 - Approved - Notification - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.111 |
22-06-2017 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Guidelines - Guidelines under section 113-C of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 for the Exemption of Buildings and Assessment and Collection of amount for Exemption, 2017 - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.110 |
22-06-2017 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Rules - Rules under section 113-C of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 for Assessment and Collection of Amount for Exemption of Buildings, 2017 - Notification - Issued. |
Letter (Ms)No.16152/AR.3/2017-1 |
16-06-2017 |
Personnel and Administrative Reforms (AR.III) Department - Right to Information Act, 2005 - Challenging the order of Tamil Nadu Information Commission for imposing penalty - Appearance by the Special Government Pleader as counsel for the Public Information Officer - Instructions issued - Reg. |
Letter No.6188/UD4(3)/2017-8 |
13-06-2017 |
Housing and Urban Development Department - Urban Development - Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning (Levy of Infrastructure and Amenities Charges), Rules 2008 - Issued under Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972) - Amendment - Notified - Clarification - Sought for - Furnishing of - Regarding. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.86 |
16-05-2017 |
Housing and Urban Development [OP1(2)] Department - Establishment - Delegation of Powers to Additional Secretary (Technical), Housing and Urban Development Department to dispose appeals under Sections 79, 80-A, 113-A and any other future appeals arising under the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971, (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972) Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.85 |
16-05-2017 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Urban Development - Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning (Levy of Infrastructure and Amenities Charges) Rules 2008 - Issued under Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972) - Amendment - Issued - Notified. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.79 |
04-05-2017 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Rules - Rules for Change of Land Use From Agriculture to Non - Agriculture in Non - Planned Areas Under Clause (k) Sub - Section (2) of Section 122 Read with Section 47 - A of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972) - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.78 |
04-05-2017 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Rules - Regularisation of Unapproved Plots and Layouts Rules, 2017 - Under Section 113 Read with Section 122 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Notification - Issued. |
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண். 78 |
04-05-2017 |
வீட்டுவசதி மற்றும் நகர்ப்புற வளர்ச்சி [ந.வ.4(3)]த் துறை - விதிகள் - தமிழ்நாடு 1971 ஆம் ஆண்டு நகர் மற்றும் ஊரமைப்பு சட்டத்தின் 113ஆம் பிரிவு, 122ஆம் பிரிவு ஆகியவற்றின் கீழ் 2017ஆம் ஆண்டு ஒப்புதல் அளிக்கப்படாத மனைகள் மற்றும் மனைப்பிரிவுகளை வரன்முறைப்படுத்தல் விதிகள் - அறிவிக்கை - வெளயிடப்படுகிறது. |
Letter No.5946/UD4(3)/2017-1 |
21-04-2017 |
Housing and Urban Development Department - Premium FSI - Request to allot separate Head of Account for collection and remittance of premium FSI Charges - Regarding. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.107 |
13-04-2017 |
Health and Family Welfare (N1) Department - Public Health - Training imparted for Multi Purpose Health Worker (Male) / Health Inspector / Sanitary Inspector course offered by Private Institution / Trust / Universities / Deemed Universities - Revision of guidelines and syllabus - Orders - Issued. |
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண். 37 |
13-04-2017 |
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல்(நநி.IV)துறை - நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் - தூய்மை இந்தியா திட்டம். தூய்மை இந்தியா திட்டத்தின் கீழ் திறந்தவெளியில் மலம் கழித்தல் குறித்த விழிப்புணர்வு ஏற்படுத்துவதற்கான செலவினங்களை மத்திய மற்றும் மாநில அரசு பங்களிப்புடன் மேற்கொள்ளுதல் - நிர்வாக அனுமதி அளித்தல் - ஆனை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது.
G.O.(Ms.) No.24 |
05-04-2017 |
Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare (ADW6) Department - The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013 (Central Act 25 of 2013) - Conferment of Powers of the Judicial Magistrates on the Executive Magistrates under section 21 of the Act - Orders - Issued - Notified. |
Letter No.16385/UDI/2015 |
27-02-2017 |
Urban Development - Commissioner of Town and Country Planning - Industrial Layout - One time approval for the entire layout - Instructions - Regarding. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.6 |
30-01-2017 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS2) Department - Water Supply - Combined Water Supply Scheme to Sankarankoil, Puliyangudi Municipalities and Thiruvenkadam Town Panchayat in Tirunelveli District, Rajapalayam, Sivakasi and Thiruthangal Municipalities in Virudhunagar District at a cost of Rs.543.20 Crore and Water Supply Improvement Scheme to Namakkal Municipality at a cost of Rs.185.24 Crore - Administrative Sanction - Accorded - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms). No.5 |
25-01-2017 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA-IV) Department - Solid Waste Management - Constitution of State Level Advisory Body as specified under Rule 23 of Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.194 |
19-12-2016 |
Housing and Urban Development (UD4-2) Department - Urban Development – Provision of Higher Floor Space Index for Economically Weaker Sections/Low Income Group/Middle Income Group Housing – Variations to the Development Regulations to the Second Master Plan for Chennai Metropolitan Area, 2026 and
Development Control Regulations to the Master Plan of all Local Planning Areas under section 32(4) of Tamil Nadu and Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972) – Issue of Final Notification - Orders – Issued. |
G.O.(Rt) No.1275 |
14-12-2016 |
Health and Family Welfare (L2) Department - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Public Health Service - Dr.P.Aruna, Deputy Director of Health Services Grade-II, Sankarankoil - Deputation to the post of Faculty (Public Health) in Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies, Coimbatore under Foreign Service terms and conditions - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.166 |
23-11-2016 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA.IV) Department - School toilets - Maintenance of School toilets in Primary/Middle/High/Higher Secondary schools located in Corporation and Municipal areas - Entrusting the maintenance work to the Private Service Providers - Expenditure to be met from Educational Cess realised through property tax - Permission accorded - Orders issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.145 |
24-10-2016 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (Elections) Department - Appointment of Special Officers to Town Panchayats - Notified. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.146 |
24-10-2016 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (Elections) Department - Appointment of special Officers to Municipalities - Notified. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.147 |
24-10-2016 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (Elections) Department - Appointment of Special Officer to City Municipal Corporations - Notified. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.173 |
18-10-2016 |
Housing and Urban Development (UD4-3) Department - Urban Development – Directorate of Town and Country Planning – Transfer of Development Rights and Special Transfer of Development Rights – Certain variations to the Development Control Regulations to the Master Plan for certain Local Planning areas under sub-section (4) of section 32 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 Direction to Local Planning Authorities - Orders issued. |
G. O. (D). No. 334 |
03-08-2016 |
Urban Local Bodies - Municipalities - Various major works taken up - Administrative sanction to be accorded for the estimate of Civil Works - Enhancement of monetary power to the Municipalities to accord Administrative sanction for civil works - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.104 |
21-07-2016 |
Animal Husbandry Dairying and Fisheries (FSV) Department - Fisheries Department - Modernization of existing Fish Market in 15 District of Tamil Nadu - Administrative and Financial Sanction - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.202 |
30-06-2016 |
Finance [Salaries] Department - Medical Aid - New Health Insurance Scheme, 2016 - Provision of Health Care Assistance to the Employees of Government Departments, Organisations covered under this Scheme and their eligible Family members through the United India Insurance Company Limited, Chennai - Implementation - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms.) No.52 |
29-02-2016 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC-II) Department - Memorandum of Understanding - Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation - Permission to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Esslingen am Neckar, Germany and the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation - Accorded - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms). No. 44 |
24-02-2016 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC-II) Department - Municipalities and Corporations - Enhancement of monetary limit to the Engineering Personnel of Corporations and Municipalities to accord technical sanction in civil works - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms.) No.35 |
23-02-2016 |
Housing and Urban Development (HBA) Department - Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Inclusion of the cost of Rooftop Solar Photo Voltaic Power Plant as a component within the overall celling of eligible House Building Advance as an optional item of expenditure - Orders - Issued - Rules Amended |
G.O.(Ms.) No.17 |
05-02-2016 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Urban Development - Installation of Solar Energy System in Special Buildings, Group Developments, Multi-Storeyed Buildings - certain variations to Development Regulations to the Second Master plan for Chennai Metropolitan Area, 2026 and the Development Control Regulations to the Master plan for the certain Local planning areas under sub-section (4) of section 32 of Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms) No.182 |
17-12-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC.5) Department - Establishment - Municipal Corporations - Creation of 37 Posts of Sanitary officers by upgrading equal number of posts of Sanitary Inspectors in 9 Corporations - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.153 |
14-12-2015 |
Housing and Urban Development (UD1) Department - Urban Development - Chennai Metropolitan Area - Second Master Plan for Chennai Metropolitan Area 2026 - Development Regulations - Scrutiny fee for layout / sub - division and sub - division / layout preparation charges - Enhancement - Recommendation of the Authority - Approval of amendments to Development Regulation for Chennai Metropolitan Area - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.159 |
02-11-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA.IV) Department - Rules and Schemes - The Tamil Nadu Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Rules, 2015 and the Tamil Nadu Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Scheme, 2015 - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.121 |
25-09-2015 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD I] Department - Urban Development - Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority - Second Master Plan for Chennai Metropolitan Area, 2026 - Certain Variations to Development Regulations to the Second Master Plan - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.121 |
25-09-2015 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD-I] Department - Urban Development - Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority - Second Master Plan for Chennai Metropolitan Area, 2026 - Certain Variations to Development Regulations to the Second Master Plan - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No. 112 |
31-07-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Implementation of Smart Cities Mission in Tamil Nadu - Government of India sponsored Mission - Administrative Sanction - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No. 110 |
28-07-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (WS-II) Department - Water Supply - Setting of two 60 MLD Capacity Desalination plants one each at Kuthiraimozhi in Ramanathapuram District and at Alanthalai in Thoothukudi District - Administrative Sanction - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.108 |
24-07-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - 14th Central Finance Commission Award - Basic Grants to the Urban Local Bodies - for the period from 2015-16 to 2019-20 - Guidelines for utilization of Basic Grants - Approval - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.105 |
21-07-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Centrally Sponsored Scheme - Swachh Bharat Mission - Administrative Sanction for implementation in the State - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(2D) No.53 |
16-07-2015 |
Health and Family Welfare (EAP/1) Department - Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project - Non Communicable Disease Intervention Program - Concurrent Evolution Survey of Non Communicable Disease Intervention Program by National Institute of Epidemiology - Continued Collaboration with National Institute of Epidemiology - Permission - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(D) No.344 |
29-05-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MW) Department - Sub - Application No.59 of 2015 in contempt Petition No.352 of 2009 - Directon of Honble High Court - Special Committee to submit a comprehensive report to prohibit employment of Manual labourers in Sewer lines and Drains - Constituted - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(MS). No.80 |
24-05-2015 |
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (MA.3) DEPARTMENT - Roads – Special Road Programme – Sanction of Rs.1,000 Crore for Restoration of Roads in Urban Local Bodies - Administrative Sanction Accorded – Orders Issued. |
G.O.(MS).NO.81 |
24-05-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply(WS4) Department - Installation of 1274 Reverse Osmosis Plants in Local Bodies –at a cost of Rs.77.13 crore – Administrative Sanction - Orders – Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.71 |
05-05-2015 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Urban Development - Effective Implementation of Section 113-C of Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 - Framing of Rules and Guidelines - Committee constituted - Extension of tenure for a period upto 30th June, 2015 - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(D). No.281 |
05-05-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Integrated Urban Development Mission (IUDM) – Projects approved by the Project Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (12th meeting) for the year 2014-15 – Administrative Sanction accorded – Orders – Issued. |
G.O.(Rt) No.64 |
29-04-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.I) Department - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies - Tmt. S. Amirta Jothi, Joint Commissioner (Administration), Office of the Director of Municipal Administration - Placed full additional charge of the post of the Director, Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies - orders - Issued. |
G.O.(D). No.230 |
31-03-2015 |
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (MA2) DEPARTMENT - Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission – Basic Services to Urban Poor – Rs.33396.35 lakh towards Additional State Share for Perumbakkam Phase I and Perumbakkam Phase II Projects - Released – Amendment - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(D) No.227 |
27-03-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Grants - Award under 13th Central Finance Commission - Release of Rs.5309.34 lakhs as General performance Grant to the Municipal Corporations, Municipalities and Town Panchayats - Sanctioned - Orders - Issued. |
அரசாணை (ப) எண். 225 |
26-03-2015 |
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (பேரூ-2) துறை - பேரூராட்சிகள் நிர்வாகம் - 2014-15 ஆண்டிற்கான உள்கட்டமைப்பு இடைவெளி நிரப்பும் நிதி மற்றும் இயக்க மற்றும் பராமரிப்பு இடைவெளி நிரப்பு நிதி தலைப்பின் கீழ் வித்தியாச தொகை விடுவிக்க - ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது.
G.O.(D) No.40 |
24-03-2015 |
HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (UD3-2) DEPARTMENT - Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority - Master Plan Unit – Terms of Reference for the appointment of Consultant for study on ‘Densification along the CMRL corridors” – Transaction fee – Orders – Issued. |
G.O. (2D) No.20 |
23-03-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - NULM – Grants-in –aid – Release of Rs.7615.19 lakh as Government of India assistance and matching State Share for the year 2014-15-Orders – Issued. |
G.O.(Ms)No.60 |
23-03-2015 |
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (MA2) DEPARTMENT - Centrally Sponsored Scheme - National Urban Livelihoods Mission – Administrative Sanction for implementation in the State - Annual Plan for 2014-15 at an outlay of Rs.14307.27 lakh - State Operational Guidelines – Approved – Orders – Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.48 |
23-03-2015 |
Housing and Urban Development (UD3-2) Department - Urban Development – Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority – Loans – Loan availed by Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority from Tamil Nadu Urban Finance and Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited for Infrastructure Projects – Outstanding loan as on 01.04.2005 taken over by Government of Tamil Nadu – Demand for the quarter ending 31.03.2015 – Payment to Tamil Nadu Urban Finance and Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited – Orders – Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.57 |
20-03-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (Ws.4) Department - Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board - Remedial Measure to Overcome the Financial Dificit for the Years 2011-12 and 2012-13 towards bridging the gap between Expenditure on Maintenance of Combined Water Supply Scheme and Demand for Water Charges of Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board - Sanction and Release of Rs.140.00 Crore from Devolution Grant - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.26 |
19-03-2015 |
Housing and Urban Development (HCS.1) Department - Housing - Rural Housing Scheme - Loan obtained from United India Insurance Company Limited, Chennai - Repayment of Principal and Interest due on 31.03.2015 - Sanctioned - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(MS) No.53 |
19-03-2015 |
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND WATER SUPPLY (MA2) DEPARTMENT - Integrated Urban Development Mission (IUDM) –Release of balance amount of Rs.150.00 crore to Urban Local Bodies for implementation of projects sanctioned under IUDM for the year 2014-15 - Orders – Issued. |
G.O.(Rt) No.43 |
12-03-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (ME.I) Department - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies (TNIUS), Coimbatore - Thiru Rajendra Ratnoo, I.A.S., Director of Town Panchayats - Placing in full additional charge of the post of Director, Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies, Coimbatore - Orders -Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.44 |
11-03-2015 |
Labour and Employment (T2) Department - Employment Exchanges - Recruitment through Employment Exchanges - Implementation of the Judgment of the Hon"ble High Court in W.A.No.1027 of 2013 and M.P.No.1 of 2013 dated 09.06.2014 - Orders Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.25 |
09-03-2015 |
Housing and Urban Development (HCS1) Department - Housing - Rural Housing Scheme - Loan obtained from Oriental Insurance Company Limited, New Delhi - Repayment of Principal and Interest due on 31.03.2015 - Sanctioned - Orders Issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.151 |
06-03-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Grants - Award under 13th Central Finance Commission - Release of Rs.3380.03 lakhs as balance of second installment of General Basic Grant to Municipal Corporations, Municipalities and Town Panchayats - Sanctioned - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms) No.44 |
05-03-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - TNSUDP - World Bank assisted Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project - Environmental and Social Management Framework - Approval and Adoption - Orders - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms) No.40 |
05-03-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013 (Central Act 25 of 2013) - Notification under section 7 - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms) NO.37 |
04-03-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC-II) Department - KfW – SMIF-TN-II-2 – Administrative Sanction for providing roads and Storm Water Drains to Tirunelveli Municipal Corporation - Allocation of fund for ongoing Vellore Combined Water Supply improvement Scheme – Orders – Issued. |
G.O.(D) No.133 |
26-02-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.II) Department - Town Panchayats Department - NABARD - RIDF XX for the year 2014-15 - Improvement of 12 Rural Roads and Construction of 1 Bridge in Trichirapalli and Pudukkotai Districts at an estimated cost of Rs.5.50 Crore - Administrative Sanction - Accorded - Orders-issued. |
G.O.(Ms.) No.26 |
23-02-2015 |
Housing and Urban Development [UD4(3)] Department - Urban Development – Effective Implementation of Section 113-C of Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 – Framing of Rules and Guidelines – Committee constituted – Extension of tenure of the Committee upto 30th April, 2015 - Orders – Issued. |
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண். 108 |
19-02-2015 |
நகராட்சி நிர்வாகம் மற்றும் குடிநீர் வழங்கல் (பேரூ-2) துறை - பேரூராட்சிகள் நிர்வாகம் - 2014-15 ஆண்டிற்கான உள்கட்டமைப்பு இடைவெளி நிரப்பும் நிதி மற்றும் இயக்க மற்றும் பராமரிப்பு இடைவெளிநிரப்பு நிதி தலைப்பின் கீழ் நிதி விடுவிக்க கோருதல் - ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது. |
G.O. (2D) No.14 |
19-02-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.2) Department - Part II Scheme for 2014-2015 - Study on impact of application of human waste on soil health and round water quality for promotion of ECOSAN UDDT in Musiri Town Panchayat - Sanction of Rs.3.97 lakhs - Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Rt).No.28 |
17-02-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project – Negotiations with World
Bank at New Delhi - Permission to participate in the Negotiations - Tmt. Anita
Praveen, I.A.S., Chairperson and Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Urban
Infrastructure Financial Services Limited, Thiru.T.Udhayachandran, I.A.S.,
Secretary to Government, Finance (Expenditure) Department and
Thiru.G.Prakash, I.A.S., Director of Municipal Administration - Permission to
visit New Delhi for the purpose - Tmt. Anita Praveen, I.A.S., Chairperson and
Managing Director, TNUIFSL – 19th and 20th February, 2015 -
Thiru.T.Udhayachandran, I.A.S., Secretary to Government, Finance
(Expenditure) Department and Thiru.G.Prakash, I.A.S., Director of Municipal
Administration - 19th February, 2015 - Orders – Issued. |
G.O.(Ms) No.32 |
17-02-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Implementation of KfW assisted Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure Financing in Tamil Nadu Phase–II Part 2 (SMIF-TN-II-2) program with a total outlay of Euro 105.75 million (Approximately Rs.861.10 crore)– Administrative sanction – Authorization of Empowered Committee – Orders issued. |
G.O.(Ms) No.31 |
17-02-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project (TNSUDP) - Model Cities sub-component - Vellore City Municipal Corporation, Erode City Municipal
Corporation and Hosur Municipality selected as Model Cities for support under
the sub-component – Orders – Issued. |
G.O. (Ms) No.29 |
16-02-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC-II) Department - Thanjavur Municipal Corporation – Improvement of Civic Amenities in Thanjavur Municipal Corporation at an estimated cost of Rs.85.68 crore – Administrative Sanction Accorded – Orders – Issued. |
G.O.(D) No.97 |
13-02-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply(MC-II)Department - Coimbatore Corporation – Solid Waste Management – Installation of 3 nos. of Bio-Methanation plant project in the Coimbatore Corporation – Project approved for the 2013-14 – Sanction of a grant of Rs. 84.50 lakh as Government share under Solid Waste Management Fund – Orders – Issued. |
G.O.(Ms) No.24 |
11-02-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA3) Department - Mahamaham Festival 2016 at Kumabmonam - Constitution of High Level Committee at State Level to oversee and monitor the arrangements in connection with the Mahamaham Festival, 2016 at Kumbakonam Town- Orders – Issued. |
G.O. (D) No. 95. |
11-02-2015 |
Municipal Administration & Water Supply (MA. 3) Department - KfW – Under Ground Sewerage Scheme - Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure Financing in Tamil Nadu Phase II Part-I (SMIF – TN – II – 1) – Administrative Sanction for providing Under Ground Sewerage Scheme to Karaikudi and Pollachi Municipalities – Administrative Sanction - Orders issued – Amendment – Orders - Issued. |
G.O. (Ms) No. 23 |
10-02-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MC-II) Department - Coimbatore Corporation – Development and processing facility for handling of construction and demolition waste in the Coimbatore Corporation – According Administrative Sanction at an estimated cost of Rs.1257.96 lakh – Release of an amount of Rs.1132.173 lakh under Solid Waste Management Fund – Orders – Issued. |
G.O(D) No.76 |
09-02-2015 |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply (OP-I) Department - Announcement - Simplification of procedure - Identifying atleast 25 services - 3 person team for Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department - Constituted - Orders - Issued. |