Total Found (GO’s): 2304. |
GO Number |
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G.O.Ms.No. 1504 |
31-07-1968 |
RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND LOCAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT - Establishment - Municipal Councils - Personal conduct of Officers and servants of Municipal Councils - Correspondence and interviews with the authorities other than immediate superiors and convassing of influence to bear on ministers - Prohibited. |
G.O.Rt.No. 1321 |
31-07-1968 |
RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND LOCAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT - BUILDINGS - Municipal Councils - Building Applications - Pend ency - Check Registers - Maintenance - Instructions - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms).No.1106 |
06-06-1968 |
Rural Development and Local Administration Department - TOWN PLANNING - Constructions by Harijan Welfare Department - Consultation with the Director of Town Planning, Madras and concerned local authority - Orders issued. |
G.O.No. 573 |
22-03-1968 |
RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND LOCAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT - Madras Public Buildings (Licencing) Act, 1965 - Time-Limit for submission of application for licence prescribed under section 4 of the Act - Use of buildings (not being existing public buildings) as public buildings and existing public buildings - Extension upto 31st March 1969 - Notifications - Issued. |
Govt.Memo.No. 144473A/M2/67-2 |
04-03-1968 |
Rural Development and Local Administration Department - BUILDINGS - Municipal Councils - Violation of Building Rules and Scheme clauses. |
G.O.No. 255 |
14-02-1968 |
Rural Development and Local Administration Department - RULES - Madras Public Buildings (Licensing) Rules, 1966 - Explanation under Rule 6 - Amendment - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms).No. 167 |
03-02-1968 |
Rural Development and Local Administration Department - BUILDING RULES - Municipalities - Disposal of buildings - Applications in Municipal Offices by Commissioners - Procedure - modification of - instructions - Issued. |
G.O.No. 144 |
31-01-1968 |
RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND LOCAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT - ACT - Madras Public Buildings (Licensing) Act, 1965 - Exemption of certain other categories of buildings from the provisions of the Act for three years - Inclusion in notification issued with G.O.No.2083, Rural Development and Local Administration, dated, 30th August 1956 - Amendment - issued. |
G.O.(Ms).No.2198 |
27-11-1967 |
RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND LOCAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT - Town Planning - Town Planning Schemes - Preparation of layout Plan and draft scheme and execution of Town Planning scheme - Centage charges levied by the Director of Town Planning - Revised rates - orders issued. |
G.O.(Ms).No. 1947 |
23-10-1967 |
Rural Development and Local administration Department - BUILDINGS - Municipal councils - Arrears of Building Applications in Municipal Councils - Disposal - Instructions - Issued. |
G.O.No. 1880 |
13-10-1967 |
Rural Development and Local Administration Department - MADRAS PUBLIC BUILDINGS (Licensing) ACT 1965 - Competent Authorities - Notified under the Act - Inclusion of Independent Deputy Tahsildars as Competent Authorities - Notified. |
G.O.No. 1726 |
21-09-1967 |
Rural Development and Local Administration Department - MADRAS PUBLIC BUILDINGS (LICENSING) ACT, 1965 - Time-limit for submission of application for license prescribed under section 4 of the Act - Use of buildings (not being existing public buildings) as public buildings and existing public buildings - extension upto 31-5-68 - notification - issued. |
Govt.Memo.No. 29419/M.Legu/67-3 |
12-07-1967 |
Rural Development and Local Administration Department - BUILDINGS - Municipalities - Periodical Inspection of Buildings sites by Building Inspectors and submission of reports - circular - issued. |
G.O.(Ms).No.797 |
15-04-1967 |
Rural Development and Local Administration Department - Administration Report - 1965-66 - Town Planning - Review. |
G.O.(Ms).No.437 |
01-03-1967 |
RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND LOCAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT - ACT - Madras Public Buildings (Licensing) Act, 1965 - Time limit for submission of application prescribed under section 4(2) of the Act - extended for a period of six months from 1-10-1966 - further extension up to 30-9-1967 - Notification - Issued. |
G.O.(Ms).No.2680 |
22-11-1966 |
Rural Development and Local Administration Department - ACT - Madras Public Buildings (Licensing) Act, 1965 - exemption of certain other categories of buildings from the provisions of the Act for a period of three years - inclusion in notification issued with G.O.Ms.No.2083 Rural Development and Local Administration Department, dated 30.8.66 amendment - issued. |
G.O.(Ms).No.2642 |
18-11-1966 |
Rural Development and Local Administration Department - RULE - Madras Public Building (Licensing) Rules, 1966 - Subsequent additions and alteration to the existing buildings - amendment to rules - issued. |
G.O.(Ms).No.2195 |
16-09-1966 |
Rural Development and Local Administration Department - RULES - Madras Town Planning Rules 1933 - Amendment to Rule 50A - confirmed. |
G.O.No.2083 |
30-08-1966 |
Rural Development and Local Administration Department - ACT - Madras Public Buildings (Licensing) Act, 1965 - exemption of certain categories of buildings from the provisions of the act for a period of three years - notification issued. |
G.O.No.434 |
25-02-1966 |
Rural Development and Local Administration Department - Acts - Madras Public Buildings (Licensing) Act 1965 - Fees paid in respect of applications and appeals - Head of account to be credited - orders issued. |
G.O.No.195 |
04-02-1966 |
Rural Development and Local Administration Department - Madras Public Buildings (Licensing) Act, 1965 - Competent authority - Notified. |
G.O.No.196 |
04-02-1966 |
Rural Development and Local Administration Department - Madras Public Buildings (Licensing) Act, 1965 - Certificate of structural soundness - Issue of - Employees of State Government and local authorities - Prohibited. |
G.O.No.197 |
04-02-1966 |
Rural Development and Local Administration Department - Madras Public Buildings (Licensing) Act, 1965 - Authority to give opinion under section 5(1) of Act - Orders issued. |
G.O.No.198 |
04-02-1966 |
Rural Development and Local Administration Department - Madras Public Buildings (Licensing) Act, 1965 - Appeal against refusal of licence - Appellate authority - Orders issued. |
G.O.(Ms).No. 861 |
17-04-1963 |
G.O.(Ms).No.1463 |
27-06-1962 |
RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND LOCAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT - Town Planning - Municipal Councils, District Boards and Panchayats - Progress report for 1960-61 - reviewed. |
G.O.(Ms). No.1432 |
25-06-1962 |
RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND LOCAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT - BUILDING RULES - Rule 10 of the Building Rules - applicability to Bunks and Box Stalls - instruction issued. |
Govt.Memo.No.26740/M2/55-17 |
12-04-1962 |
Rural Development and Local Administration Department - Buildings - Reconstruction - Certain instructions - issued. |
G.O.(Ms).No. 773 |
15-03-1961 |
G.O.(Ms).No. 1791 |
05-11-1960 |
G.O.(Ms).No. 26 |
06-01-1960 |
Rural Development and Local Administration Department - RULES - Revised Building Rules, 1942 - Amendment to Rule 5 - Draft confirmed. |
Govt.Memo.No. 166718/L-2/59-1-d |
14-12-1959 |
Rural Development and Local Administration Department - Rules - Revised Building Rules 1942 - Applicability of Rule 9(2)(a) to rear space - clarification. |
G.O.No.2689 |
29-08-1959 |
Health, Education and Local Administration Department - RULES - Revised Building Rules - 1942 - Amendment - Draft - published. |
G.O.(Ms).No.3052 |
16-10-1957 |
Health, Education and Local Administration Department - Buildings - District Municipalities and Corporation of Madras - Violation of the Building Rules - Exemption - appeal to Director of Town Planning and Government - Provision in the Building Rules Orders passed. |
G.O.(Ms).No.1026 |
01-07-1957 |
Health, Education and Local Administration Department - Establishment - Municipal councils - Coimbatore - reorganisation of Revenue Branch - qualifications for new posts - prescribed. |
G.O.(Ms).No.865 |
30-05-1957 |
Health, Education and Local Administration Department - Establishment - Municipal Councils - Coimbatore - Reorganisation of Revenue Branch - Orders passed. |
G.O.No.656 |
22-04-1957 |
Health, Education and Local Administration Department - Rules - Madras District Municipalities Act, 1920 - Engineering establishment - Qualification - Draft Amendments - Confirmed. |
ORDER.(Ms).No.1304 |
09-04-1955 |
Health, Education and Local Administration Department - Rules - Revised Building Rules - Amendment to rule 8(14) and Appendix G - Draft confirmed. |
Govt.Memo.No.938-H-5/55-3 |
07-04-1955 |
Health, Education and Local Administration Department - Acts and Rules - Madras District Municipalities Act and the Building Rules Interpretation of the definition of the word building and of the implication of section 215 of the Madras district Municipalities Act - Decisions of the High Court - Instructions issued. |
G.O.No.1505 |
29-10-1954 |
Health, Education and Local Administration Department - Streets - Private Streets in Municipalities - Enforcement of provisions of Madras District Municipalities Act by executive authorities of Municipal Councils - Necessity - impressed. |
G.O.(Ms).No.3125 |
20-08-1953 |
HEALTH DEPARTMENT - BUILDINGS - Unauthorised constructions etc., Demolition - Issue of stay - Clarification of certain points - Orders passed. |
G.O.No.3546 |
10-11-1952 |
Health Department - Rules - Revised Building Rules - Amendments to rule 4 - Draft rules - Confirmed. |
G.O.No.2652 |
18-08-1952 |
Health Department - BUILDINGS - Unauthorised constructions, etc., - Demolition of - Issue of a stay - clarification of certain points - Protests from certain Municipal Councils - Orders Passed. |
G.O.No. 2507 |
05-08-1952 |
HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Rules - Revised building rules - Amendment to rule 4 - Draft published. |
G.O.No.458 |
13-02-1952 |
Health Department - Residential areas - Declaration of ,exclusion from et Submission of proposals by local bodies through Collectors Instructions issued. |
G.O.No.72 |
08-01-1952 |
HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Buildings - Construction of building by parties without permission from Executive Authorities - checking of - Responsibility of Town Planning and Building staff and other outdoor staff of local bodies - orders issued. |
G.O.No. 3409 |
28-09-1950 |
Health Department - Fees - Levy of licence fees - Clarification of certain provisions of the Madras District Municipalities Act - Orders issued. |
G.O.(Ms).No.3126 |
13-09-1948 |
Education and Public Health Department - Building Rules - Coimbatore Municipality - Exemption of certain buildings from the operation of Rule 8 of the old Building Rules - G.O.No.2429 Public Health Department, dated 15.8.46 - Cancelled. |
G.O.No. 184 |
20-01-1948 |
Education and Public Health Department - Building rules - applicability to partition walls and sub-divisions of buildings - orders passed. |
G.O.(Ms).No. 2429 |
15-08-1946 |
EDUCATION AND PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT - BUILDING RULES - Coimbatore Municipality - Orders exemption buildings generally from the operation of rule 8 of the Old Building Rules Cancelled. |
ORDER.NO.3030 |
09-07-1940 |
Education and Public Health Department (Public Health) - Town Planning - Disposal of applications in Town Planning areas - Section 17 of the Planning Act - Procedure - explained. |
G.O.No.1920 |
26-05-1939 |
Education and Public Health Department (PUBLIC HEALTH) - Town Planning - Private layouts - Difficulty in enforcing the street - making provisions of the Madras District Municipalities Act - Remarks of the Director of Town Planning - Communicated. |
G.O.No.1616 |
02-09-1931 |
Local Self Government Department (Public Health) Department - By - Laws - Model - Street control - Layout - Revised. |
G.O.(Ms). No.127 |
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Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MA2) Department - Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation 2.0 - Constitution f the State-level Task Force and City-level Task Force on 24x7 Water Water Supply projects under Tal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation 2.0 - Approved in the 3rd meeting of the State High Powered Steering Committee held on 27.06.2022 - Sanction - Accorded - Orders - Issued. |